chapter 8

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"Patrick!" Zoe said, "Do you really want me to come with you on your quest?"
"YES!...I mean...yeah sure."...shit what the fuck was that. why am I acting like this around her? Every time I see her I freak out, my palms get sweaty, it's hard to breath, what the hell is going on? Do I love her? I'm just a teenager, I'm too young to know what love is, right?
Zoe just stood there blushing "well then let's go to talk to Bob."
"Did I hear my name?" said Bob.
"Bob, Patrick thinks it would be a good idea if I went on his quest with him."
"Well I don't see why not." said Bob, "But Patrick just remember..."
"Remember what?" I said
"USE PROTECTION!" he screamed as he disappeared.
"WHAT THE FUCK BOB!" I yelled as Zoe laughed her ass off. "What's so funny?"
"Why are you so angry about it? do you like me or something?" she said.
I just sat there looking at her, "Well actually..."
"Wait what?" she looked shocked, "I like you too Patrick but I was scared you wouldn't feel the same."
"Wait wh..." all of a sudden she kissed me about fireworks.
"I uh...have to go." she kissed me again and ran off.
"" what the hell? Did that really just happen?

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