Chapter 2

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"Where the hell are we?"I mumbled.
"Correct." Death replied.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Patrick, welcome to Hell." Death said.
"you've got to be kidding me." I said. "I mean where's all the fire and stuff?" I asked. This looked the exact opposite of hell, in fact it looked more like heaven.
"Thats another stereotype created by mortals to make this place," he gestured around, " scarier than it is."
"But what does this have to do with me, why did you take me here?"
"To meet him."said Death.
Just as he said that the doors opened and out came a business man, or some important lawyer or something. He had a suit made of black silk and walked like he owned the place. "Who is this guy?"
"I have been called many things," the man said, " The Devil, The Beast, Satin, but you can call me Bob."
"Bob?" I said confusingly.
"Well that is my name but you can also call me big D, or satan, but I really like Bob." Bob said.
"Um ok Bob, why did you bring me here?"
"Someone stole something from me and I want it back." Bob said," I'm sending you and my best warrior Kaiju to find it."
"Um sir?" Death said, "shouldn't I go with?"
"No this is something they have to do by themselves" said Bob.

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