Chapter 4

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"YOU THINK YOU CAN BETRAY ME AND GET AWAY WITH IT!!!" Bob shouted. He was speaking to Kaiju.
"Sir if you don't mind me asking, what did I do?"
"You tell me" said Bob.
"We'll let me thi..." Kaiju looked down at a gaping hole where his heart should have been.
"That will teach you not to cross me boy." Said Bob as he pointed in my direction.
"But what did he do?" I asked fearing that I too would end up with a hole in my chest.
"None of that matters anymore, but now we must find you a new companion for the journey but for now Death will help you train." He picked up Kaiju's sword and handed it to me, "he won't be needing this anymore now go."
As we walked into the arena Death finally spoke, "have you decided your weapons of choice?"
I actually haven't given that much of a thought, I mean I had been practicing with the state of the art bow I got from Death but I really liked Kaiju's sword because it wasn't big and heavy like the other swords.
"Ah there you too are," said a voice and I turn around to see that it belongs to Bob, "I've got the companion that I was telling you about my boy." He turns around to reveal my new (friend, teammate, help)
"I can't believe it" I say "you got me a..."

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