all the birbs I want

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Oki uh
This chapter has no use whatsoever
But I just want to say it outloud
This the the birbs I want but I cant cuz my mom wont let me :(
Oki the list.

1. White Bellied Caique
2. Pied Cockatiel
3. Ducorp's Cockatoo
4. Budgie
5. Quaker Parrot
6. African grey
7. Double Yellow Headed Amazon
8. Sun Conure
9. Galah Cockatoo
10. Scarlet Macaw (I will save one if it kills me)

Thats all
Yes I know, they are expensive and loud
But it is worth it because they are little buddies that you can depend on,
It hurts me to know that people abandon these beautiful creatures, please. If you get a bird, do your research! Dont just put it in a cage with nothing, they arent for decoration, they need love dang it!
For all birds, cats, dogs, any animal, pets arent there to serve you or be a decoration. As for us, we have hobbies, we have jobs, we have stuff we do to make us happy
And for our pets?
They have us to make them happy!

We need love
And they need love aswell
Remember that if you ever get any kind of pet.

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