"What on earth are you doing?"

She stood abruptly, bottles in her hand. "Making a backup plan. Could you bring the candy over to the fire please?"

Fred grabbed the box and followed her over. She placed the items by the fire and then turned and handed him a cutting board and dagger. "Cut the purple ends apart from the orange ones, make sure not to get any orange bits, and hand them to me when your ready."

"How many candies?"

"Let's do four."

With that, she turned back to her cauldron opening bottles and pouring in different liquids and ingredients. When Fred was done he handed her the purple bits and dropped them into the cauldron. It turned a grape colored purple and bubbled intimidatingly Lyra scribbled some notes down on her notebook. Flipped to a purple sticky notes page of her potions book and skimmed a couple of lines. She scribbled something else into her notebook, before turning back to the thick bubbling liquid and stirring it counterclockwise ten times and clockwise five. She then added some more strange liquid and pulled it off the fire. She poured it into a bottle and then grabbed another liquid-filled bottle from off the floor.

"Okay, lets do this."

Fred looked suspicious, he had been poisoned by her before. "What are those?" He asked narrowing his eyes.

She held up the purple liquid that was still steaming from the cauldron. "This is a liquid version of the purple end of the puking pustules." She held up the other bottle, which contained a teal-colored liquid "this is the antidote for common poisons. I also have an antidote for uncommon poisons, but I doubt we will need it."

Satisfied with that answer Fred stretched and stood. "Alright let's get this over with."

They had him sit by the window cracking it slightly. George grabbed him a bucket while she brought over the candy and potions. "You sure your okay to do this?"

"Yeah, we've got to test them out someway. I trust you'll be able to patch me up Stone."

At least one of us does, she thought, handing him the candy. He raised it in cheers before taking a bite. Fred's face immediately went green and he broke out in a sweat. "How are you-" Lyra began but she was cut off by Fred who leaned forward over the bucket and puked up an array of what looked like half-digested sandwiches and orange goo.

George grinned wickedly "well at least we know they work!"

Lyra leaned down placing a hand gently on Fred's shoulder. "Fred, are you having any other symptoms?"

He lifted his head up to answer her but was again interrupted and quickly leaned back down puking into the bucket again. Well, the bright side was no blood or alarming colors appeared to be in the puke.

"We better give him the other half," George said his concern starting to grow as the humor in it for him faded.

"I have to check his vitals first and then we can. You okay to hang in there for a bit longer?" She asked Fred.

He nodded not daring to try and speak again. Lyra did a couple more quick tests, which proved harder then she thought with Fred leaning over to puke every couple of minutes. She was surprised that he didn't seem to run out, and start dry heaving. Though she did note that the contents seemed to change from what looked like food to just orange goo. She noted this and then nodded to George.

"Alright, he can take the other half now."

This proved harder than originally planned as well. Every time Fred opened his mouth to take it he threw up. Even if he managed to get it into his mouth when he went to chew it was no use. George had tried to even force him to but that didn't work either. Lyra sighed in defeat. "Well, at least we have a backup plan." She uncorked the purple bottle. "Fred I'm going to have George hold your shoulders down when he does can you tip your head back for me?" He nodded before throwing up into the bucket again. She turned to George. "When I say so you gently lean him back and hold him there." He nodded and she watched Fred closely, bottle in hand. They had about a minute after he stopped to get the potion in him. He lifted his head up. "Now." She said calmly.

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