Coffee - コーヒー

Start from the beginning

"k-kaneki wha-what are you doi-"

"thank you (y/n)-chan, thank you for forgiving me, thank you for being there for me even after i hurt you, i-im so sorry i was so s-stupid" his voice cracked as he was on the verge of tears and so were you,

"hehe *sniff* k-kaneki, you were never stupid, a-all you were was scared and confused i understand that, plus no need to thank me you knew i was going to forgive you, i always do, ever since we met."

you felt a warm wetness on your shoulder and you knew it was his tears, so you slowly pull out from the embrace and looked up to his gray and black'n'red eyes but before you could wipe his tears away he leaned in and gentlely kiss your forehead.

your nomral (s/c) cheeks faded into a deep red, making you feel embarrassed you quickly took the palms of your hands and covered your face like a little kid.

"haha (y/n)-chan your red as a tomato,but im sorry i didnt mean to embarress you" kaneki spoke softly, but him mentioning that you look like a tomato just made the situation worse so you rushed to the door and bowed

"good night"

and just like that you were gone from his sight.

*time skip*

you layed there for an hour on the livingroom couch wide awake and just staring at the ceiling, you just couldnt sleep you were too worried over kaneki and you knew he was still awake, you could hear him from where you were. ((incase you didnt know ghouls have hella good hearing it's amazing!))

'kaneki why do you make me worr-'



*kaneki's POV*time skip backwards?*


my stomach is in agony and it feels i havent eaten for years, and whats making it worse is the meat thats just sitting in front of me, the scent is too overwhelming. all i could think of was,


the temptation was winning over me, i started to drool and i shakingly reach my arm out and grabbed the package of meat

but something triggered in me and i couldnt take it anymore



i threw the package against the wall and ran out my room to the kitchen in search in anything that will take my mind off the meat

*your POV*Present*


your eyes widened and you got tense since this came out of nowhere, and it frightened you a little bit. but then you heard kaneki's room door slam open and his foot steps run toward the kitchen.

without hesitation you got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen as well hoping poor kaneki wouldnt do anything irrational.


you found him on the kitchen floor throwing up and grabbing for human foods, trying to force it down his throat.

"kaneki-san! no stop!"

he wouldnt listen so you bent down in front of him roughly grabbed his wrist and prevented him from scarffing any more food down,

"please kaneki stop!"

tears streamed down his face whilest you were shaking still feeling a bit scared on how he was acting, you've never seen his like this.

"im sorry (y/n), i woke you up, i-it's just that i-i cant do it, i c-cant eat it" he stuttered

feeling helpless you tried your best to sooth kaneki down, you intertwined both of your guys hands together and placed your forehead on his and looked into his two different colored eyes,

"calm down kaneki, please,,,,dont worry everything is gonna be ok and yes you can do it but its going take sometime, but please i hate seeing you like this, its frightening for me" you confessed

he looked back into your eyes

"im s-sorry (y/n)" kaneki spoke back already calming down, this made you smile, then you removed your forehead from his, but from the corner of your eye you spot something that you barely remembered about and it was just sitting in his fridge it was,


*time skip*

"it's delicious! i can drink it! i can drink it and it doesnt have a such horrid taste" kaneki exclaimed with such a smile and you counldnt help it but smile with him too.

"uhhh ya sorry i kinda forgot that we can drink coffee" you said a little ashamed that you could have told him sooner.

"ahh hehe it's okay (y/n)-chan, but ima head out really quick to get some more since you brewed the last one, if you want you can come too, but i insist you stay here so you can catch up on your sleep"

"i was planning on staying here anyway" you replied tiredly.


kaneki was out the door already making his way to a small convient store, and you were on the verge of falling asleep till, your phone rang...

*kaneki's POV*

i scan through the varaity of the coffees on the shelf,

'i wonder which one is the best,-' i reach out my hand to grab a coffee jar '-but i'll just buy this one and-'

my thoughts were interrupted when another hand snatched the coffee i was aiming to grab,

"oh, sorry.." i apologized to the man

'i guess i was in his way' i thought but then the man spoke up

"this coffee is the best of the instant brands, you know, it has real flavor"

"th-thanks" i stuttered, thanking him for the tip

"no problem" he replied


i walked out of the store after i payed the cashier, a small breeze hit me and i started making my way back home,

'this is the first time i've bought this much coffee, but i should be alright with all this' i thought

but then a scent hit my nose gaining my attention,

'huh?.. whats that smell.....

it's really stirring up.... my appetite....'

((1570 words omg almost the same amount as last time yay, but it's not enough sorry hehe i didnt update for a while school has gotten the best of me sorry!!! BUT TELL ME IF YOU THINK KANEKI IS OOC because im really worried that im messing him up. hope you still like the story i dont know if it sucks yet oooo and tell me if theres any mistakes please!!and im sorry if some of it doesnt makes sense))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2015 ⏰

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