Chapter 3

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(Rey's POV:)

"Look at her, Rey Palpatine. All in her Jedi garments and protecting a Skywalker. So unlike our family. It's truly a shame that you had to turn down the chance for the throne. Your nightmares would have gone away."

"You don't control me, Palpatine. You never have and never will," I said running through the woods.

Palpatine was dead, I killed him. But I still hear his voices in my head. Since Leia has passed, I train on my own now. Poe let me take the day off after the speech so I decided to spend the time training. I tried to focus on lightsaber techniques but ended up wanting to run and really stretch my legs.

Ben was doing better, weak but better. At least that's what the med droids said. I would go see him, but I don't want to see him if he looks sick. I'm so used to him towering over me but now? He keeps tabs on where I go and relies on me for med help when the droids are acting up.

"You know you should work on lightsaber techniques," I heard a voice call.

I turned my head around to see Ben, a tired expression on his face. He smirked and gave a small yawn. "It's amazing that we still have our bond. You would think that after Palpatine died, our connection would be gone."

"I'm glad that we still have it," I said giving Ben a small smile.

  "Agreed, but still. Why?"

"Well you have plenty of time to figure out," I said slowly. Ben nodded and the bond ended as fast as it started.

Deciding to head back to the base, I began the trek back. Most members left as soon as they left Exagol, back home to their families and friends. The remaining crew was going to start building a fleet in case of another group rising to power, and Poe was leading the whole project. It was going to be a big project but hopefully it would go through. After all, tomorrow was not guaranteed.

As I neared the base, I heard shots ring in the air. Running closer to the shooting, I saw a dead man lying face down on the launch pad and a bunch of Resistance pilots surrounding him.

"First one," Poe said slowly. They know we are here. They're coming."

  A bounty hunter. They had come for Ben. "Is Ben okay?"

"Yes, his health is better. So, as sorry as I am, he needs to go. I can't have this endangering my crew and everything that Leia died for."

"I understand," I said softly. I didn't want to drag Ben out of Med Bay, he was too weak to even stand up. Running into the base I could see frightened faces. People knew that a bounty hunter was found outside. Running to Med Bay, I felt a sharp pain through the force.

Ben was in pain.

I ran into the room to find Finn standing over Ben, a blaster held to his head. It was only then when I realized that Finn had shot Bens arm.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, FINN?" I screamed as I grabbed the blaster from him. Pushing him backwards, I went to start checking Bens arm.


"If you want us gone, we will leave," I said bitterly. Finn looked surprised.

"You can't leave us, Rey. You need to help us unite the galaxy."

  He was right. I did have to help them. I turned to look at Ben, who was in so much pain he could barely speak. He has hurt me and my friends but he was the reason I was alive.

"We are leaving tonight," I said coldly. Ben had a look of fear in his eyes as I screamed for Finn to leave. When Finn finally left, what I had done had already sunk in. I turned my best friend away.

"Rey," Ben groaned as he struggled to get up. I quickly went to go lay him down, shushing him quietly.

"It's gonna be okay," I said stroking his hair. He calmed down a bit and grabbed my hand. "It will be okay. We are going to leave as soon as I get the supplies together."

Ben nodded and I ran to gather supplies. As I started loading them into Falcon, I felt a weird feeling go through my body.

I was leaving the Resistance, forever. I wasn't going to come back as far as I knew and once I got Ben on this ship, it would be just him and I for a while. I had to nurse him back to health and make sure that his arm wouldn't get infected from his wound.

"RRWWWG," I heard a voice say from behind me.

"CHEWIE," I screamed as I ran into his arms. As I buried my head into chest, I sensed unease. Looking up into his eyes I could tell he was upset.


He was leaving with Maz.

"Treat her well, Chewie. I'll take care of the Falcon for you," I said smiling.

Chewie nodded and we embraced for the last time before he walked away. Smiling sadly, I prepared the Med wing of the Falcon and restocked the supplies in the Falcon. It was late when I was done, and I went to get Ben.

"Ben?" I said knocking on the door. "It's time to go." Opening up the door I was surprised to see Ben standing with the help of crutches, smiling at me.

"I was wondering-"

"Ben, you are crazy," I said shaking my head. "Do you need help walking to the Falcon?"

"No, I'm using the force to help me with walking. It's not that strenuous so it shouldn't harm my health."

"You sure?" I said not trusting him. Ben nodded and I shrugged. I wasn't about to fight with him.

As we boarded the Falcon, Poe and Rose waved goodbye.

"Take care, Rey." Rose said hugging me.

I smiled. "Of course. I'll try my best to come back."

"Not while there is a bounty over his head." Poe said

"We will do our best," I said.

Within five minutes we were in the atmosphere, ready to make the jump to hyperspace.

"You don't have to do this."

"I have to."

"Kill me."

I looked into Bens eyes. His eyes were fierce looking. They were a chocolate brown and sincere.

"No," I said quietly.

"You want to be with your friends, I won't keep you from that," Ben said silently.

"I can't kill you."

"Rey, you don't have to do this. You shouldn't have to do this."

"Too bad," I said giving Ben a smirk.

"I'm the only one allowed to smirk here, sunshine," Ben said laughing.

"That is gonna suck for you because you can't control me," I said laughing as I pulled the lever.

We were now in hyper space.

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