"Wonderful." She groaned.

The doctor came to a stop in front of a set of double doors. "Who's helping her deliver this baby?"

"I am." Holy shit. Did Adrian just volunteer?

Viktoria shook her head. "No. If this baby isn't-"

He cut her off. "I'd still get experience for when Sydney's day comes."

It took her a few seconds to respond, but finally agreed to let him help her. They dissapeared behind the doors, and I sat down in a nearby chair. "She's going to be okay, Dimitri."

And, she was. A couple hours later, we were given the clear to see Viktoria. The doctor had told us that Viktoria and the baby were okay, but the baby will have to have daily check-ups. When I walked into the room Viktoria was staying in, I nearly burst into tears. I hadn't realized how worried I was about her until then. I rushed over to her, resting my arm on hers. She had her baby girl in her arms, lightly bouncing her. When I saw her eyes, I gasped. Definately an Ivashkov.

"Wow." I breathed, taken aback from the beautiful green eyes. "What did you name her?"

"Ivory Belikov." She stated proudly.

I laughed. "I love that name."

Dimitri came to stand behind me, looking across the room. That was when I noticed Adrian leaning against the far wall. He looked upset and happy at the same time. He caught my stare, and gave me a tiny smile. I looked down at the baby again. She had alot of Adrian's features, but those that were... they seemed sort of different, if that makes any sense. I don't know how to explain. Either way, it looked like Adrian's baby.

My smile faded. Sydney won't take him back. She won't allow him to be there for the birth of her son. She won't allow him to help her raise him. I almost came to tears by this twisted fate. Viktoria looked up at Adrian, smiling. Although, her smile wasn't genuine. Last week she had reffered to herself as a homewrecker, which was totally absurd. Dimitri wrapped his arm around my waist, and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of my head.

He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "Let's go. You need to get home."

I nodded my head and gave Viktoria's arm a gentle squeeze. "Call me if you need me. Love you."

She shifted Ivory, and squeezed my hand. "I will. Love you, too." I turned and started to walk out the door. "Oh, Rose! I'll call when the tests come in."

I gave her a sad smile, and nodded. "Please do. Get some sleep."

I walked into the hall while Dimitri stood in the doorway. In Russian, he said "Love you, Vika," and wakled out the door. I stared at the radiant, white floor, waiting for Dimitri to start walking. Only he didn't. Instead, he leaned his head against the wall, drawing his fist back and slamming it into the wall. I flinched, and hesitantly approached him. He was aware of my closeness and droppped his fists to his side. I rubbed his back, letting him lean agaist me. He murmured to me in Russian, but I only picked up a few words. Something about killing Adrian and hiding his body somewhere... I couldn't help but let out a little laugh.

"Come on, Dimi. We'll be back later." I whispered.

He stood up straight, and started walking down the hall with me. We heard someone coming behind us, and spun around, causing me to lose my balance. Luckily, Dimitri caught me before I could do any serious damage. When I got back on my feet, I saw it was just Adrian. Dimitri glared at Adrian, perhaps hoping it would cause Adrian to explode. I put my hand on his arm, rubbing it along his long sleeves. I tried not to get distracted by his muscles, but it was kind of hard. I dragged my gaze to Adrian, trying to appear calm.

"Are you heading back to the hotel?" he asked

I nodded, stepping in between Dimitri and Adrian. "Do you need a ride?"

He scratched the back of his neck, looking down at the floor. "If you guys don't mind..."

"We do-" I elbowed Dimitri in the side, cutting him off.

"We do not mind."

Adrian didn't say a word during the car ride, which is very unusual. He sat in the backseat with his head hung down in shame. I sighed, and leaned my head against the window. Dimitri took my hand in his, trying to send silent yet soothing messages to calm me down. It didn't make me feel any better about the situation, but it did help me go to sleep.

When I woke up, Dimitri was beside me and Erik was laying down in his crib by the bed. Last night I had lost it, and brought Erik back home. I was tossing and turning all night as nightmares of an attack at St. Vlad's rushed through my mund All was silent except the sound of crying. That must have been what woke me up. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and was brought back down by Dimitri's arms.

I laughed as he brought me closer to him. "Let me go, Dimi. I have to see where that crying is coming from."

He shot up, letting me go. He listened for the crying, which was now a low sniffling. I got out of bed, following Dimitri out of the bedroom. I tugged my robe tighter around my body, feeling the cool AC breeze through the living room.

The crying was coming from Sydney's room. I gave Dimitri a knowing look and he went to the bedroom, leaving me to talk with Sydney alone. I lightly tapped my fingers against the door, and she asked who it was. After confirming it was someone who she trusts, I opened the door. She sat on the edge of the bed as she hastily wiped her tears away with her sleeve.

I sat down next to her on the bed, putting my arm around her. More sobs emerged, and she leaned on me, needing a friend.

"Is it true?" She asked, trying to talk between sobs. "Is the baby really his?"

I sighed. "Sydney, the baby definitely looked like him, but we don't know yet. There is still hope left, Syd."

She shook her head. "Rose, you didn't see his face. He looked so ashamed! When he talked to me, it was so hard to stay calm. He eventually just left."

"Dimitri and I are still waiting for a call from Viktoria. Don't give up on him yet."

"Thank you, Rose. For everything. I guess you really aren't too bad for an evil creature of the night."

I laughed. "Yeah, well, you aren't too bad for a witch."

She groaned. "Don't remind me. Vasilisa told me that my child is going to be... Different."

"How so?"

"I will be giving birth to a dhampir that can utilize magic."

Before I could respond, the sound of Erik crying had me jumping off the bed. I ran into our room, relieved that Erik was okay. Dimitri was cradling Erik against his chest, talking to him in Russian. I laughed, and walked over to them. I gave Erik a kiss on his forehead, and he giggled.

"What woke him up?" I asked Dimitri, making sure that Erik hasn't fallen out of his crib again.

"My phone. Viktoria said that the results will be in within the next fifteen minutes. I think we should go. Adrian is there already."

"Okay. I'll get dressed. Take Erik to watch some cartoons. I'll be out in a minute."

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I guess I'll wake up Lissa so that she can watch him while we're out."

I nodded. "Okay."

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