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Sal had thought, after kissing (Y/n), things would have changed a lot more than they did. (Y/n) occasionally got teased about how red her face had gotten after the fact, but that was about it. Ash and Sal had some pretty weird tension going on still, and that seemed to be getting worse, but other than that everyone was getting along just like they did before their game of Truth or Dare. Though, (Y/n) had been hanging around Sal even more than she had before, and he was living for it. Larry felt accomplished, it looked like the two young teens l=definitely liked each other and everyone knew Sal was too much of a sissy to do anything about his feelings without knowing if (Y/n) felt the same way. It would be a miracle if she felt as deeply as Sal did, he knew that, but Sal Fisher was willing to take anything at this point.
He finally took that step after getting a head-banging pep talk from Larry. Trying to convince Sal to ask her on a date was difficult, but Larry had done it. He had asked her while they were studying if she wanted to go out to the game store after school the next day.

Now, as much as Sal loved (Y/n), she was as dense as a rock... he meant that in the most affectionate way possible, of course.

The next day, Sal pulled the sleeves of his black sweatshirt past his elbows as he walked with (Y/n) and Larry home. She was talking to Larry about some lane cat she had found in an ally the other day, or maybe she wasn't, Sal was distracted. Larry huffed, looking over at Sal as the blue-haired boy as he payed no mind to wither of them.

"You better not of touched it, you'll bring home rabies and then Sally Face won't like you as much~" Larry joked, jokingly elbowing Sal's shoulder. Finally paying attention, Sal glares at Larry as (Y/n) punches the long-haired teen in the shoulder.
"You're so stupid sometimes, you know that? You only get rabies if the animal scratches you or something like that!" (Y/n) pinches Larry's cheek before turning to Sal with a certain look in her eye. It was that type of look she'd given him before, he wasn't sure what it meant though.
"Besides, Sal would never stop liking me! We're friends."
That word was beginning to kill Sal's ears, and he found it completely ridiculous. Of course they were friends, they had been friends for a pretty long time. Sal realizes, while thinking that, he had almost known (Y/n) for two years. They were close enough, right? But... she'd known Ash Campbell for much longer.

Sal didn't like that.


Shortly after dropping Larry off at Addison Apartments, (Y/n) and Sal headed to the video game store. It was a while away, and they were obviously walking. Sal knew that realistically they could have taken the bus, but he liked the idea of walking with (Y/n), and she seemed to like it too. They were holding hands, but that was simply friendly. Sal knew (Y/n) well, and she felt safer if she was holding someone's hand. She held his often, so it was nothing out of the ordinary.
Sal, overall, felt happy. (Y/n)'s hands were a lot like the rest of her, soft. She was in general just a pleasant person to be around, Sal liked her way too much, even he knew that.

Squeezing his hand a little, Sal looks over at (Y/n) as she smiles at him. She liked him, Sal knew that. She'd told him that several times before... but how much did she like him? The kiss was a dare, Sal reminded himself, (Y/n) hadn't done it because she was heads over heels in love with him. She had even apologized to him after she kissed him while the others were picking out some movie to watch. He didn't like that apology because he could hear in her tone how genuine she was. (Y/n) was sorry for kissing Sal and that bothered the blue-haired teen to no end. It couldn't have been the worst moment of her life either, because she was fine cuddling Sal in his bed just a few nights after the kiss. She was obviously comfortable around him and Sal Fisher was beyond confused about their situation. He didn't know what they were or how he could possibly progress their relationship. He had faintly been thinking about what it would be like to marry (Y/n), but Sal wasn't delusional. He knew that would be a little dramatic. He just knew he needed to lock (Y/n) down before Ash came in and ruined things. He had seen the way the brown-haired teen had looked at him when (Y/n) gave him that little kiss, the look made him feel petty. He wanted Ash to see them kissing, it made him feel like he was the only one for (Y/n), and in his mind, he was the only one for her.

He was suddenly glad that (Y/n) liked video games rather than cute girly things, he wasn't sure what he'd do if she was one of those preppy girls. Sal wasn't sure if his feelings would change if she was, but it'd definitely change some things. (Y/n)'s father was a certified hippy, Sal had stayed up one night just hearing some odd music, asking (Y/n) about it the day after. It was, as (Y/n) put it, Psychedelic Rock. The music that belonged to the hippies, or druggies, whichever way you saw it. She had gotten defensive, saying that her father didn't do drugs like LSD, which honestly made sense to Sal. Akira was a down-to-earth kind of guy, a decent dad too. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to be into drugs, that was more Todd's parents' thing. Akira was a nice guy, Sal realized a few months back that (Y/n) was a lot like her father. They were both oblivious and they both had a soft spot for Gizmo. Akira and Henry were friends, Akira came over sometimes.

Still holding onto her hand, Sal looked around the several displays of video games. He was obviously looking more at the Gear-Boy games, but it wouldn't hurt to look at the newer games that could be seen around the small store. Several posters for games could be seen on the walls, Spyro and Pokémon basically taking over, however, there were some Mortal Kombat ones scattered around too. That was one of (Y/n)'s favorites, Sal remembers. When she first told him how much she liked MK, Sal was pretty shocked. It was weird, her liking something so... boyish? But on the other hand, she was also a huge nerd. Sal couldn't believe it when (Y/n) told him how much she liked Spyro. He had called her a nerd on spot, too.

"What? A nerd?" (Y/n) suddenly asks, still smiling widely despite feeling quite defensive. Sal could be heard laughing through his prosthetic. She had dragged them over to look at the dark purple display case, he hadn't realized what game it was until she started nerding out in front of him. It was indeed the game she was so obsessed with.
"Yeah. You're a nerd... a really cute one, too."

Sal wondered when he got so smooth.

{Don't you dare talk smack about this date. If I could get a cute girl to take me to a video game store just to look at stuff I'd marry her on spot.}

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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