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Tonk and Gizmo were both in (Y/n)'s lap as she scratched under their chins. Larry had come up with the assumption that Sal and (Y/n) were cat parents, causing the two to punch him in the shoulder whenever he would say something about it. In a sense, though, it was true. Gizmo and Tonk were some weird cats, (Y/n) had even caught Gizmo taking a bath once before.

Besides that, Sal was pretty sure he'd been bro-zoned. Larry had commented on them being cute together, which Sal appreciated. Larry knew that Sal liked her, though he wasn't sure how much Sal liked her. She had looked at Larry blankly before punching him in the shoulder, something she seemed to do often.

Sal wasn't sure what her reaction meant, but it didn't mean that she was in love with him.

Brushing Tonk out, (Y/n) looks over at Sal as he played with his GearBoy. He had gotten more comfortable with having his mask off around her, something (Y/n) found interesting. Just a few days ago she woke up only to see Sal's face. She had seen it before, but that was quick and she didn't get a good view. (Y/n) wasn't a person who judged on looks she liked Sal than most boys at their school. However, he didn't look that bad. He just looked like Sal, that was his face and that meant that it was just him. The eye laying on her bedside table kind of freaked her out, but that was only to be expected. Who wouldn't be surprised to find an eyeball on their table? He had apologized the following morning because that was just his instinct.

He was happy though because she was looking at him in the eye and telling him that it was okay with a big smile on her face. Things had been going well for both of them, Sal felt like everything in the world was right... until someone busted down her door. Both of them had been surprised, and Sal hurried to slip on his mask. It hadn't been too hard, the prosthetic had been positioned on the top of his head so all he had to do was slip it down. It had been a woman with blonde hair and angry green eyes. She had paused as she entered the room, looking at Sal as he looked at the ground while fixing his mask. He quite honestly didn't even realize she was standing there until he heard a terrified squeak leave (Y/n) and Tonk let out an angry hiss. He looks up and somehow realizes who the woman is without ever seeing her in his life before. She looked a lot like (Y/n)'s older brother, Kit. Not even thinking of putting his shoes on, Sal grabs (Y/n)'s arm and pushes past the woman before leading (Y/n) out of her apartment. He headed towards the basement and told Larry about what happened.

Larry was pissed off, while (Y/n) had passed out after all of the running they did.

She was here and Sal already hated her.

After all of that happened, Sal went and got Tonk so (Y/n) could rest easy. She was staying in the basement with Lisa and Larry, and despite that being her home, (Y/n) wasn't willing to go back until her mother had left.

"I'm surprised she hasn't tried to come down here and get you..." Sal mutters, looking over at (Y/n) as Tonk sleeps in her lap. Larry shakes his head, looking over at (Y/n).

"Nah, her mom isn't allowed down here. She got into a fight with my mom the last time she was here so I seriously doubt she's willing to get her assed kicked again."

Sal looked over at (Y/n), his blue eyes wide.

"I hid here last time too, mom came over trying to drag me out and Lisa protected me." She smiles softly as she says this, and Sal realizes just how close Larry's family is with (Y/n)'s. Lisa was more of a mother to her than her own, and that wasn't even sad, it made sense. It made sense why Larry was so stubborn when it came to (Y/n)'s mother and why he had been pushing her to stay down in their apartment.

"I can't believe she just burst down the door like that... you guys were both in there, right?" Larry questions, looking over at the two. Beneath his mask, Sal can feel his face getting hot. It must have looked weird to her mother to just see some boy in (Y/n)'s bed like that. He just hoped she didn't see his face.

"Sal spent the night because we both passed out after studying. She burst in right after we woke up I think." She says, her gaze shifting over to Sal. The boy was fidgeting, his blue eyes moving around the room. He looked, by his body language, like he was nervous. She understood, of course, he must have felt awkward. Her mother walked in and he was in her bed, it must have given her the wrong idea.

"Were you two in bed together or something?" Larry says suddenly, falling back in laughter as Sal chokes on nothing. Sal fell off of Larry's bed, and Larry laughs even louder when he knocks (Y/n) off with him.

"YOU WERE IN BED TOGETHER?" Larry falls off of the bed too.

{I feel like this chapter was bad, sorry!}

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