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Sal had ripped up the note, as to ensure that (Y/n) never saw it. He didn't feel guilty about what he did, but the tension he had with Ash was obvious after winter break was over. School was back in and they only had a few more months left until Freshman year was over. Four months to be exact. Summer break would consist of (Y/n) hanging out with the gang, and no one else. That had been the plan for at least a couple of months, and Sal had been fine with that. It meant that he got to spend time with (Y/n), he was fine with it if he got to see her. The gang was Todd and Neil, Larry, Chug, Maple, and Ash. They would all be hanging out during Summer break because that was what they decided would be best. The rest of (Y/n)'s family lived in Scandinavia (Sweden, Sal remembers her telling him) so she wouldn't be going to see any family over break. Everyone else just had nothing to do. Todd's parents were total pot-heads, so they had said they were going on vacation, but that was most likely not going to happen. Everyone was free, that meant that everyone would be here during the break.
However, that was months away, and Sal didn't have to share (Y/n) with anybody other than Larry. Despite her being his best friend, Larry was being annoying and trying to set her up with Sal. He was a wing man, basically. Sal appreciated it, of course, but (Y/n) just got flustered whenever the long-haired metal-head would bring it up.

Sitting at their lunch table now, Sal felt a little flushed himself. He hadn't been eating lunch, just because he didn't exactly trust the food that the school made, especially not their meat. (Y/n) must have noticed because she decided she'd make him something to eat. Larry had went off after the Mrs. Packerton thing about how all of the meat at school was made out of people. (Y/n) had the habit of believing everything that left Larry's mouth, so she was even more grossed out by school food than she was before. (Y/n) was one of those kids that you saw drinking some kind soup out of those flasks. The ones that were meant to keep your drinks warm? Yeah, those were what she used. Only... she always brought ramen. She had a sensitive stomach, Sal realized as he watched her eat. She had more of those bottle things because she brought him some soup too. She had smiled at him as they sat down before handing him the flask. It was warm in his hand, and he looked inside of it to see some broth kind of thing inside. He wasn't sure what it was, but it smelled nice and he was about to eat it. He'd be damned if he didn't eat it. Sal had a feeling that she made it for him herself and just the thought of (Y/n) making him something because she was worried about him made Sal's stomach flutter.

Admittedly though, he was being pretty petty.

Ash had come with Maple and Chug, about to sit next to (Y/n). That was before Sal got up with the flask of soup in his hand to take that spot next to (Y/n). Almost everyone at the table noticed, even Travis, the new addition to their group, was giving Sal an odd look. They couldn't see his expression, and either way it wouldn't have mattered because there wasn't one there. He didn't feel bad. He had the notion that since Ash decided to write that damned note she didn't deserve to sit next to (Y/n). Sal felt that it was a threat to him and (Y/n). Sure, they weren't dating... but they would be soon, he was sure of it.
(Y/n) tried to brush the whole thing off, being ever the optimist of the group. She continued her conversation with Sal and Larry, sometimes turning over to Travis to help him with a paper he was working on. Sal was satisfied, he no longer felt like his relationship with (Y/n) was being threatened by Ash. Besides, the gothic girl was the timid kind, he knew that. She wouldn't outright confess, and if she tried to Sal would put a stop to it. She would probably think that (Y/n) didn't get her letter, so she'd make another one.

Sal would rip that one to shreds too.

{This thing has been pretty tame so I'm making Sal into a little bit more yandere.}

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