in my head

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| TW: Mentions of Self-Infliction |

(Y/n) had seen his face, only briefly, but she saw it. Sal wondered as he sat up in bed if she thought he was ugly? Sal was so used to getting disgusted or horrified expressions (sometimes both) whenever someone saw his face. He tried not to let it get to him, and it had slowly been getting easier over the years, but (Y/n) was different. He wanted her approval. Sal wanted to know that she didn't think he was a monster. In all, Sal just wanted her to like him. She did like him, he thought, but his face must have shocked her enough to make her wonder a little.

Sal didn't hide things from (Y/n) because he trusted her, and that was why he was so happy when she told him about her mom. It was something personal, something that she hadn't even told Larry about, and they had known each other since they were babies! She trusted Sal, and that made him feel blissed out, almost like he was one some type of hard drug.

She had also told him why Travis Phelps called her Scar Tissue. It was also the reason why she was always wearing long sleeves. The fact of the matter was, (Y/n) didn't believe people hurt themselves for attention. The only kind of attention you got when people saw those kinds of scars was negative, such as the girls in the locker room and Travis. (Y/n) explained it to Sal. It was like a horrid habit that was nearly impossible to shake. It wasn't so much the blood, or the reaction she'd get (because she honestly didn't want one). It was the relief that came with it. She trusted him enough to tell him that and Sal was thankful. She mentioned that she didn't do those types of things anymore, Larry and her family being something that grounded her, Sal being apart of that circle. However, scars didn't heal as fast as the mind did.

He also wonders faintly, how lucky he could have gotten to be in bed with her.

(Y/n) had okay taste in music, it wasn't as hardcore as Sanity Falls, it was soft and relaxing. They were on her bed next to each other just chilling out. (Y/n) had a black cat named Tonk, he and Gizmo often had little cat playdates. Tonk was curled up into (Y/n)'s side as they listened to some music through (Y/n)'s earbuds, one in her ear and one in his. They had been studying, but if you study too much you might just lose your mind, either that or your brain will explode. Larry had been with them but he left to help his mother with something. Lisa was dealing with the pipes downstairs and she called Larry down to help her.

(Y/n) had the sleeves of her light blue sweater pulled up just above her elbows and she had her eyes closed. Sal was looking at her and he realizes that she's asleep. It made sense, she was tired already before they came to study, so he guessed she just couldn't stay up as long as she wanted to. Looking back at Tonk, Sal smiles faintly. He had his mask off, the prosthetic laying on the top of his head, his blue pigtails splayed out against one of (Y/n)'s fluffy white pillows.

She was a soft girl, and it was adorable. Her room had several pictures of her and her friends, a good few of (Y/n) and Sal. She had several posters of her favorite bands and Sal sees one of the Beetles. Stuffed animals were all over her bed and Sal finds himself surprised that the black cat hasn't ripped up the several teddy bears and unicorns that could be seen around the room.

He kicks off his shoes before reaching for her hand. She was a deep sleeper so she wouldn't realize he was holding her hand until she woke up the next morning. Besides, she wouldn't scold him for it, she had invited him into her bed. It was nice, to be able to be next to her like this, it made Sal feel... light. Almost as if he were floating on a fluffy cloud, like there was no gravity at all. She was so pretty too. She looked a lot better when he didn't have his mask on, he could see her in her entirety. When he had his mask on he saw her, of course, but there was always some sort of shadow covering her. Or maybe there wasn't and he just felt like he saw her better with his prosthetic off. All he knew was that (Y/n) (L/n) was amazingly cute and she made him feel weightless.

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