Alright I'm done answering for a while. I am all of a sudden really tired. I might as well go to bed a little early tonight. I have work at 9.


Thursday Morning

Today I wake up relatively early around 7:30 ish. Dak might be up since it's 6:30 there and I believe there practice start at 7. I shoot him a text before I even get out of bed.

K- good morning ❤️

I get out of bed, get ready for work and go on with my day. Before I leave the house, I write a note for Chloe saying I'd be home around 5 or so. I'm assuming she crashed at her parents because she had to of have gotten home so late.

I decide to text my dad and let him know I'm going to Texas tomorrow lol. I'm such a bad daughter.

Kaylie- hey dad💙 I'm going to Texas tomorrow. I kept it a secret because I didn't want anyone freaking out but I met Dak Prescott in New Jersey at the last game, and he bought me a plane ticket out to see him for a few days. Don't be mad at me!

He's been at the beach for a few days with his girlfriend, my uncle and his fiancée. That uncle happens to be my cousins Keith, Kyle, and Kristens dad.

D- ahh yes.. if you thought you'd be able to keep that from me forever you were mistaken.. Have a great time and BE CAREFUL💙 love you

K- okay. Love you

Good that wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be. I wonder who spilled the beans to him though, after I said specifically said keep it away from HIM.

It's now 2:30 and I'm on my lunch break in the back room of the store. I got a text back from Dak.

D- good afternoon now❤️❤️ just got out of practice. Hope you're having a great day at work!!!

Aw he can be so sweet sometimes.

K- work sucks!
D- just think you're off for the next 7 days to come and hang with me 😘😘
K-yessss I know Can't wait ❤️
D-me either
K-I'll ttyl I gotta go back now😣
D-okay have fun !
K- lol

I finish work at about 5 and head home.

I had a text from Dak which was my plane ticket and all the information I needed for tomorrow. I text him back just a smiling emoji and continued to drive.

As I pull into my driveway, I lock my car and run to the door hoping Chlo is home. The door was unlocked which was a sign she was in the house. (I hope)

Yuppp she was back. I ran right into the kitchen into her arms. I missed her soooo much. Plus, we have lots to catch up on. We sit down at the kitchen table and we talked for what felt like hours. To be exact it was close to an hour. Ugh I didn't tell her I'm going to see Dak tomorrow morning. I hope she doesn't freak out. Here goes nothing.

Sooo there is one more thing that I left out.... I said in a nervous tone.

Yes..?? She said confused.

Well, I'm flying down to see him tomorrow until Wednesday.. I finally let out, but break eye contact with her. Ugh I don't want to see her reaction right now..

You what??? She said surprised.

Oh good she doesn't seem that mad.

Yea chlo!! He wants me to come down and stay with him. I don't know what we are or what we are going to be, but I really like him. He's sweet. If we can make this work that'd be great. Although it's going to be very difficult. I said.

Unexpected Love Dak Prescott Where stories live. Discover now