1 ᴥ Apology

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Hey! If you're seeing this, the first chapter of Corinna III is out! It's been a long time coming. Hope you enjoy.
- Pez

What a silly thing it is, to watch your entire century of life change in a few short months.

    IT had been a week since school started back up after winter break, and I was thrilled to be back in the hallways of Forks Highschool. Despite the stares and uncomfortable silences that seemed to follow me everywhere, I was almost always smiling.

Bella was a big topic after her sudden departure only to return with a broken leg, but for the most part the Cullens had managed to distance themselves from those rumors - thankfully. So, I was living comfortably.

That only lasted so long, though, despite my best efforts.

We hadn't been close with Bella, hardly even talking to her unless necessary, but we didn't shut her out completely - in fear she might talk eventually. It was a popular topic amongst the family meetings. Her knowing put us at risk every single day; but until Victoria was handled there was no way out of it (that could be agreed upon; simply getting rid of Bella was a fun suggestion brought up many, many times).

Recently, though, it had been mentioned that a birthday was arriving and - despite many protests - we would be hosting a small gathering for the human.

"Ridiculous," Jasper rolled his eyes as we watched Edward make his way into the cafeteria with Bella.

I wasn't jealous at the scene before me, but more simply annoyed. He had been catering to her despite direct suggestion not to; He felt bad for what had happened.

"We're more than happy to have you over," Edward lied to the small brunette as they walked towards our table.

I smirked as her friends gawked in our direction. In fairness, I was also sitting with the Cullens instead of my human classmates - but it was a bit more accepted that the freak join the freaks. I made eye contact with Jess who gestured to Bella walking towards our table. I only shrugged.

"Uh, hey," Bella said awkwardly, clearing her throat.

Alice and I offered a wave and a smile, the others were indifferent. I could feel the anger radiating off Rosalie.

"I guess we'll see you at our place tonight," I said politely.

"Wear something nice," Alice said, zoning out, "And a smile."

"You don't have to go overboard, really, I already feel like I'm intruding," Bella stumbled over her words.

"Good," Rosalie quipped.

"It's not a bother, Bella," Alice said quickly, but I could hear the uneven tone in her voice.

Thankfully, the bell rang before I had to endure any more strained smalltalk. I grabbed my bag and waited to walk with Edward, but he didn't budge - instead waiting for Bella to finish off her water. I raised an eyebrow.

You coming? I asked silently.

"Go on ahead, I'll be there," he said, brushing me off.

Ow. Okay. I walked quickly to class, hoping to catch up with Angela. Her quiet and reserved nature was always comforting - and right now my chest needed comforting. I told myself he was only acting that way with her to fix his own regret.

It didn't make me feel any better.

And, to top it off, I ran into Mike instead of Angela.

"Corinna, darling!" He boomed, bringing a smile to my face despite my aching chest.

"Mike," I greeted flatly, earning a light shove, "How's everything?"

"Oh you know," he waved his hand casually, "You seem down. Is it Edward?"

Harmless question. Painful response.

"Huh? Why do you ask that?" I feigned confusion.

"Oh, I don't know. He's hanging with Bella again and I thought you two were..." he trailed off.

By now I was in my seat at the front, Mike standing in front of me, leaned over the table. I watched Edward hold the door for Bella. I looked down, jealousy hitting me unexpectedly.

"No, not really." I shrugged. "I don't care if they talk-" A lie - "Its probably just stress." Another lie.

"Oh, the lab today? Yeah, I completely forgot," Mike groaned.

He waved as Edward took his seat, staring at the shorter boy until he left. I had also forgotten the lab, and was now thinking of what to say for the next hour.

"Not really?" Edward questioned. "You don't think we...?"

"Why don't you talk to Bella about it," I said quietly as I scribbled our names on the lab sheet.

"I'm just trying to make up for what happened -"

"You've done plenty." I hissed out, cutting him off.

The rest of the hour was....silent. I didn't want it to be, but for some reason anger got the best of me. I wondered when the last time I had fed was...

"I'm sorry," Edward apologized a few minutes before the bell rang.

I rolled my eyes. Whatever.

"Let me make it up to you," he said sweetly, all anger gone from his voice, "Tonight after she leaves."

I refused to look up, but his voice was so inviting.

"You'll be my only focus," he said, quieter this time, his hand resting gently on my arm.

I couldn't stop the small smile on my face.

"Please, baby," he whispered.

I broke into a full smile and laughed, shy. I could see his smile from the corner of my eye. The bell rang and he stood before me, and for a moment I worried he was going to leave with her again.

"Come on, slow poke," he teased as I gathered my things.

"I'm faster remember," I reminded him.

He shook his head, smiling, before wrapping his arms around me softly and kissing my temple. I would have blushed if possible.

Edward walked with me to the parking lot, listening to my idle chat about my day. I knew in a few hours I would have to endure a birthday party for the human who had turned our lives upside down in a matter of weeks, but for now all I focused on was him.

All that mattered was my hand in his.

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