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So basically, me and that Thomas guy ended up in the same room. And let's just say that it was weird in the first week. Everyday, for one week straight, he would bring a different girl to our room and it was totally disgusting. Thomas tried to hook up with everyone on college and im pretty sure i once saw him flirting with Natalia. I mean... its not like i care right? But he could at least wait till we have separate rooms... but nooooooooo.

Tomorrow i have an important test to show my knowledge about the subject, so i invited Dave to study with me . Im testing my luck here.. im really hoping that Thomas isn't around. Unless he brings a girl, he is always outside so we basically never meet or talk to each other. It's a good method actually. When im studying in the room, he is out there doing god knows what. And when he comes in, i'll just leave and hang around with Letitia, Dave and Natalia.


Dave: Hi love.


: Hey you. Are you ready for the best day of your life?

Dave: HAHA. you wish.... i just hate hate HATE history!! Why did i choose this course anyway?


: Cuz you're good at it?

Dave:.................... Bullshit


: Stop complaining for the mother of thor. I hate this too , but we need to do this fast . you don't want to meet the dork i live with.

Dave: I actually do wanna meet him.


: what

Dave: yeah , and ask him what is his secret with the girls.


: Bitch please, like you need advices for that. Just snap your fingers and you'll have all of the girls beneath your feet. You are the most handsome guy i've met so far.

???: Thank you darling.


: oh shit.


I swear to god, if he bothers me and Dave while we study im gonna crush his head with my bare hands.

Thomas: Sorry peanuthead, didn't want to disturb your ..... i don't even know if i should consider this a date.


: *ignores him * So Dave , when did the first world war started?

Dave: 19...

Thomas: 1915


: * breathes in ,breathes out* Besides being annoying , you are dumb. Great ! The perfect combination.

Thomas: Excuse me?! I know what im talking about ok?


: Apparently not. The first world war started in 1914 and ended in 1918 . Not 1915.

Thomas: Who cares? It was just a year.



Thomas : Jeezzzz stop speaking so loud i cannot take so much madness in the morning.


: Wow, then how do you survive with yourself.....

Thomas: You banana head


: First peanut head and now banana head? Really?

Thomas: Yes! And i could go on and..-

Dave: SHUT UP.


: Yea-



: what????

Dave: Im gonna study with the girls and you guys better stop fighting like this. Just for the record you are acting like crazy, unstable and old married couple!!!

After saying this, Dave slams the door behind him and silence embraces the room.

I look at Thomas and he just looks like nothing happened . I even thing he as a smile on those soft lips- I MEAN LIPS.. NOT SOFT NOT LIPS..WAIT ...YES LIPS AND NOT SOFT.


Thomas: Y


Y\N: WHAT? *nervous*

Thomas: You okay? you look weird and scared..


: Whaaaaat noooo im fineeeee

Thomas: Okay then....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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