
Name: Dr. Zoe Houghton
Age: 27, August 21st
Blood type: O
Physical Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Doctor
How many children: She has no children.
Personality: She's antisocial and stutters a lot when she speaks, but she's not a bad person. She's also great at solving problems.
Fears/phobias: She is afraid of thunderstorms and lightning.
Medical History: She is far sighted and has to wear glasses to see up close.


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Name: Gavin Horne
Age: 32, March 19th
Blood type: O
Physical Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Engineer
How many children: He has no children.
Personality: He's distant and never talks unless needed. He might be a selective mute due to his disdain for talking, though he's good at what he does.
Fears/phobias: He is afraid of heights.
Medical History: He is nearsighted and has to wear glasses to see at a distance. He has selective mutism as well.


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Name: Angela Barr
Age: 25, October 3rd
Blood type: AB
Physical Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Soldier
How many children: She has no children.
Personality: She is brave and can be a bit reckless, but she always puts others safety before her own. She also doesn't like taking orders very much.
Fears/phobias: Despite risks and putting others lives before her own, she is afraid of dying.
Medical History: She has allergies.


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Name: Dr. Caleb West
Age: 33, July 11th
Blood type: A
Physical Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Occupation: Doctor
How many children: He has no children.
Personality: He’s straightforward and honest. He cares for people and would do anything to save their lives.
Fears/phobias: He’s scared of insects, especially if they fly. He will even chuck his clipboard if one buzzes near him.
Medical History: He has oligospermia, a male fertility issue characterized by a low sperm count. He also wears glasses to help with him being nearsighted.


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Name: Molly Barker
Age: 28, April 16th
Blood type: B
Physical Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Zoologist
How many children: She has no children.
Personality: She jokes around a lot and can’t take things serious. When she’s being scolded she’ll probably laugh. She doesn’t respect people easily, they have for earn it, but when it comes to animals, she’s kind and respects them without a second thought.
Fears/phobias: She is afraid to be completely alone.
Medical History: She doesn't know who her birth parents are, so family history is a mystery. She does have hypoglycemia, though, where her blood sugar drops easily.


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