Her Name Is Virginia // Parkers + Starks

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Peter noticed that May had new glasses. They looked better than the previous ones. Better quality. They weren't quite bad about the money, but it wasn't a lot of excess expenses either. And May bought him new shoes last week. Quite expensive new shoes, though he convinced her he didn't need them. So he found it somewhat strange that May would buy new glasses.

"I like your new glasses," he praised them as they sat on the couch one afternoon. She read and he waited for Happy to come to pick him up.

"Oh, thanks, dear," she said, but she didn't look away from the book.

"May? Are we okay?" he asked, and she looked at him in confusion as she put the book on the table.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean if we're fine with the money. It's just that you bought me those shoes and now wearing new glasses that aren't a cheap thing either. Maybe I could find a job," he suggested, and May laughed.

"You don't have to worry about that, Pete. I counted on the new glasses, so it won't affect our finances," she said with a smile.

"But what about the shoes? I still don't feel good about it. They were unnecessarily expensive," he murmured.

"They were, so I hope they last long, but you don't have to feel bad about them, I paid them out of your mother's money," she explained.

"Oh, okay," he said, and May waited for him to fully understand what she said. "Wait, what?"

"You heard me," she said simply.

"That's it? You can't say something like that and then don't go on! What do you mean by my mother's money?" he blurted.

"The money she sends me every month. I don't use it very often unless it's really necessary. I also saved you at college. You can go to any school you want."

"Yo-u know h-er?" he asked shakily.

"Of course, she's one of my close friends."

"You never spoke of her," he said, misunderstood.

"She didn't want it. She thinks you hate her."

"And now she wants?"

"No, but I've decided that after fifteen years, this ridiculous situation must end," she said, almost angrily.

"I don't understand."

"Do you want to know about your mother?"

"I think I do."

"Great. I know we never talked about her, so I don't know what you think of her. She thinks you hate her for giving you away, but you have to know it was the hardest thing she ever did in her life. I don't want you to hate her, but I can't control your feelings, so I'll tell you the whole story, and then you decide, okay?"


"Her name is Virginia, but I haven't heard anyone call her that in my life. Actually, only her parents. I'm a little older and sometimes I went to watch her when we were kids."

"So what do people call her?" he asked curiously. He had to say that he didn't like the name Virginia so much. Who the hell has such an old name today?

"Yeah, I won't tell you. Believe me, her real name will be of great help in the future as much as if I told you what people call her."

"In the future?"

"If you decided to find her. However, we became friends. We didn't see each other very often during college, but our friendship didn't change that. I met Ben and we moved in after school. She wasn't so lucky. She completed college longer than I did, given that she was younger. When she came to me that she was pregnant, I was engaged to Ben. We had a stable job and the apartment, she had nothing. It was shortly after school. She didn't know what to do. Your father was terrible. When she told him, he sent her to hell. He wanted to build a career and I don't think he even loved her. I talked to Ben about this and finally convinced him that we would take over you. It was supposed to be temporary, but then it got out of control. Virginia found a very good job and when you were five she wanted to take you to her. During those five years, she occasionally visited you, but it was too hard for her to leave you, so it wasn't so common. We had a big fight the day she came. Something happened to Ben. I love you, Pete, but I was so happy for her when she came to take you to her that she finally made a home for you. You could finally be together. Ben had a different opinion. I've never seen him like that before. He refused. He told her that when she left you with us, she couldn't change her mind and take you away. That you are our son, not hers. We were never your parents, Peter. You have to understand that. Uncle and aunt, but never parents. I don't know what he was up to. We would still be your aunt and uncle, we would still see you. Then, she never came again. Ben scarred on our relationship, but thank God it didn't hurt my friendship with her. She started sending me money. When Ben died, she didn't try to come that she wanted you back. I know she wanted to, but she didn't have the heart to take you from me when I lost Ben, and I'll be grateful for that. But now she thinks it's too late, and I think it's time for you to get back to your mom. I keep seeing her and telling her everything about you. She's very proud of you, you know?"

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