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Is Homosexuality Synonymous with Satan?

     There are many forms of discrimination in today's world–racism, classism, and sexism just to name a few–but how many of you have heard of heterosexism? Heterosexism is defined by as "a prejudiced attitude or discriminatory practice against homosexuals by heterosexuals." Over the past two years, Russia's government has been blurring the fine line between church and state by implementing conservative, Orthodox laws that foster homophobia and encourage "traditional" relationships between a man and a woman for the sake of reproduction. For instance, in June of 2013, President Vladimir Putin endorsed a law that, in essence, was meant to shield Russia's youth from homosexual ideas. According to Putin, Westerners are "denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious, and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large [heterosexual] families with same-sex [homosexual] partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan." After displays of discontent by the global community and threats by U.S. citizens to boycott the 2014 Olympic Games, the mayor of Sochi defended the Russian government by stating, "It is their right to be as they are. We just don't want them to force their ideas on others." Is being proud the same as "forcing...ideas on others"? On October 28, 2013, Putin told the International Olympic Committee, "We are doing everything, both the organizers and our athletes and fans, so that participants and guests feel comfortable in Sochi, regardless of nationality, race, or sexual orientation." It seems that the Russian government has shifted its stance slightly–for the time being, that is. However, what about after the Olympics? Has the government reverted to sexual repression and the spread of violence-inducing homophobic views? Will the youth of Russia–Russia's future leaders–continue to be taught in the way of prejudice?

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