Physical Education.Total Waste Of Time .

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"Hello Beatrice ." Andrew says leaning against my locker .

"Hello Andrew." I say grabbing my book ,and closing my locker.

"So I was wondering if you ,wanted to go for dinner tonight ."

"I guess that will be fine .What time ?"


"I have a class at 7:00 ."

"I will make sure were back by then ."

"Sure ."he walks down the hall and I let out a sigh of relief. When he's around I just get so distracted that I didn't realize my phone went off .

From Jess

Hello sweetie .How are you ?

From Jess

Hello ?Are you there ?

To Jess

Sorry .I was talking to a friend .

From Jess

Oh I see how it is .That friend is Andrew . You like Andrew .

To Jess

Yeah I totally do !

From Jess

Lucky .I totally called him in third grade .Well have fun .I have class talk to you when I get to the dorm .

To Jess

Yeah see you .

If any of you were wondering yes Jess is a boy .He's liked guys since third grade .There are a lot of perks to having a gay friend .For example he can give you relationship advice .Also you can ask there opinion on how you look ,and they won't lie. Like this one time I asked him if I looked liked a bloated cow and he said 'I look like a slut ' trust me I did look like slut .He picked out a nice outfit for me and I felt and looked much better .

"Hi Mrs . Rowland! " I say to her when I enter the class room.

"Hello Miss. Mason please take a seat ." I take a seat in the middle row and put my glasses on .I take out my book and start to take notes .Suddenly the boy that hit me with the Frisbee walks in .

"Hello Mr. Darkner nice to see you decide to show up ."

"Nice to see you too Mrs. R ." he walks past me to his seat then pulls out his paper .We have to write a story by easter .Trust me its hard .By the looks of it he has written only 3 pages .I took mine out .I have only written one so he's already ahead .What its only been a day !

"Today I would like you to read ,me what each of you written so far ." My hand goes up .

"Miss . Mason would you like to go first ?"

"Yes mam"

"Go ahead ."

"My story is called Blank .It has been an eternal suffering without you .Read the words written by my favorite author .My life would be nothing without you .Now I know what your thinking .Another pretentious love story .Well it may be true, but that is what love is ,weird ,and foolish ,and pretentious. But love is also unfair or one-sided. Truth is love is something we need like air .I have yet to understand love and I probably never will but that is what makes it awesome." I get a lot of cheers but then see his hand go up .

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