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Jakes POV
I hear the door open

D- Jake!
J- yeah
D- where are you
J- um Canada

He walks in the kitchen

D- why did I get a call from the principal!
J- funny story actually
D- I'm not playing Jake!
J- I got in a fight
D- why!

For once he's actually scaring me

J- I was um
D- spit it out!
E- dad calm down

I grab Erika and put her behind me for her to be quite

J- someone said something about your daughter
D- doesn't mean you fight someone and get suspended for 3 days!
J- it's fine it's not a big deal
D- it is Jake
An- dan calm down people in Canada can hear you screaming

Angel walks in

D- angel Jakes suspended
An- for what
D- people were saying stuff about Erika
An- isn't that a good thing that jake got suspended
D- no
An- well I do

She grabs dans arm and drags him out. I hear the door shut and I turn to Erika who's face us red

J- Erika

I bring her in a hug

E- I've never heard him yell like that Jake

She says in my chest

J- it's okay it wasn't to you
E- but it was to you

I rub her back and we stand there for a bit. I made her laugh a couple times. We go on the couch with Erika laying on top of me.

Next day
Erika's pov
I walk out the bathroom and jake isn't in bed. He then walks out the closet

J- want me to drive you
E- no go to sleep
J- please
E- fine hurry up

We head out after I do a couple things. We get to school and Jake pulls up to the front. He grabs my bag and puts it in my lap. He reaches over and gives me a kiss.

J- I'll be were I usually park to pick you up
E- text me
J- I love you
E- love you too

I get out and head inside. A couple people look at me as I walk through the halls to my locker.


Jakes POV
I wait for erika near the back. I see her coming and she gets in.

J- how was school

I pull out the parking lot

E- it was okay
J- just okay
E- well you weren't there
J- I make everyone's day better
E- way to flatter yourself

I put my hand on her knee

J- I have a surprise for you
E- you do?
J- well not me
E- what is it
J- I can't tell you

We get home a couple minutes later.

J- go to your parents house
E- jake you're scaring me

She reaches for her backpack

J- I got it just go

She gets out and I grab her bag. I throw it over my shoulders and catch up to her. We get in and head to the kitchen

E- why are you guys being weird

She leans on the counter. Dan tosses An envelope in front of her from Case Western Reserve University

E- is it really it
An- yeah open it

She opens it and she reads through it

E- I-I got in

Dan and angel go around and hug erika. I let them have a moment and go find Charles. I find him in the living room

J- Charles!

I see him jump

C- Jake I'm far too old for that

He turns around

J- you look 50
C- I'm 65
J- 65 and handsome

I joke and he laughs

C- has she opened it yet
J- she has
C- did she get in
J- of course
C- why aren't you in there
J- I get my own time at home

I nudge him and he smiles. We talk for a bit more till I walk back to the kitchen. Me and Erika head home. Once we get inside I drop her bag near the door.

E- your eye doesn't look good Jake

I follow her upstairs

J- it's fine
E- your lip too

We get in our room and I pull Erika into me

J- congratulations on making it in

She pulls me closer to her and kisses me.

J- you have a gift would you like to cash it in now or later
E- now

I pick her up and place her on the bed. I hover over her stomach and take my shirt off. I go down to her lips

J- you're okay with this right
E- yeah
J- just making sure
E- just kiss me

She grabs the back of my neck and smashes out me lips together. I unbutton her vest and loosen her tie. I sit up and she takes both off. I un button her shirt

J- you always wear black in the right days

I connect my lips to her stomach and I trail all the way up to her jaw.


I grab Erika and put her in a loose headlock

J- I couldn't hear you who is the boss in the relationship
E- me
J- what was that
E- me

I let go and tickle her. She laughs her head off

J- who is
E- you
J- that's what I thought

I stop and hold her hands above her head. I press my lips on her cheek

J- I'm kidding you're the boss

I say with my lips still connect to her cheek. I pull back and let go. I fall beside her and she sits on my stomach

J- damn girl you crushing me

She punches my shoulder and I catch her first after a couple hits

J- chill
E- did you tell me to chill
J- I did what are you gonna do

I let go of her hand and tap my face for her to hit me. I get the lightest tap on my cheek

J- I think I need to go to the hospital
E- shut up

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