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Jakes POV
Erika sits on my lap and connects her lips with mine. I hesitate at first but hold her waist. She goes up my cheek to my ear

E- you're really hot
P- okay okay break it up!

Erika sits beside me

E- really
P- what I didn't wanna watch that
E- then don't

J- rik it's fine

I put my hand on her thigh.

P- coach took will out to put you in
An- he said that it wasn't fair to you
K- so you might want to watch out he has anger issues
J- don't worry he won't be coming near me again

I get up and put my hand out for erika She grabs it and I lead us to the kitchen

E- Jake
E- Jake
J- yeah

I pull us in a corner in the kitchen

E- what do you mean he won't be coming near you
J- nothing
E- but it is

I lift my shirt up and show Erika.

E- Jake
J- after you went to class he grabbed me and punched me in the stomach. I hit him in the jaw and he left

I let my shirt fall

E- you played like that
J- *sighs* yeah I made it even worse
E- why didn't you tell me
J- why would I tell you if I got into a fight if it was about-

I stop myself and look in the distance

E- about what
J- nothing
E- about me?
J- football

I look erika up and down. I put my lip in my teeth.

E- Jake stop that
J- I'm not doing anything
E- what was it about
J- will said you guys fucked
E- Jake I didn't
J- I-
E- I would never do that to you
J- I know rik. He just pissed me off. You're fine
K- jake come here
E- go
K- buddy come on

I look at kade and leave erika.

2 Am

I leave the group of guys and go look for erika. I find her talking to some people I've never seen before. I see her look towards me and she excuses herself from them. She gives me her water bottle and I finish the little bit left.

J- wanna go
E- yeah sure

She grabs my hand and as we pass the living room we say our goodbyes.

J- keys

She gives me the keys and I drive us down the street to Erika's. We get inside and we made our way upstairs to her room. She starts to get changed in her closet. I go in and grab shorts. I go into the bathroom and get changed. I go lay on the bed waiting for erika. Soon she comes out with a hoodie on

E- Jake you might wanna go get that check out
J- oh shit

I forgot about the bruise or I would have put a shirt on

J- I'm fine let me go get a shirt

I get up and grab a shirt and slip it on. I come back to erika On the bed. I wince in pain as I get up on the bed. Erika grabs onto my side and puts her hand around to my cheek.

E- don't you work tomorrow
J- sadly
E- I'll come get you
J- you come get me I won't talk to you
E- that won't happen
J- yes it will

I turn over and open the lamp.

E- *smiles* if it happens I'll give you 50 bucks
J- *smiles* I don't want your money
E- *smiles* yes you do

I roll onto my side and grab the back of Erika's thigh

J- just shut up
E- you have a cute smile do you know that
J- *smiles*

I move closer and connect our lips

Next day

Jakes POV
I walk into Erika's room to find her finishing her makeup.

E- look at all the hickeys on my neck
J- it was An accident And you also put some on me too

I walk behind to her and put my hands on her shoulders. I go down and kiss her cheek

J- what do you want to do
E- can we go to the mall
J- I guess
E- why you don't want to come with me
J- you always take so long then I end carrying you bags
E- isn't that what boyfriends are for
J- ha ha very funny

She holds onto my hands

J- do you want to go now
E- yeah let's go

She grabs her things and I put my wallet and lanyard in my pocket. We walk down the stairs

E- can you drive
J- yeah here

She hands me the keys and we head out in the cold to her car. We leave and then soon make it to the mall. I park and grab Erika's hand on the way in. Once we get in

J- you lead the way
E- *smiles* if you say so
J- *chuckles*

I follow erika into Victoria secret and she goes to try a couple things on. After a bit she ends up buying her things and then we go off to another store.

E- proms next week
J- really
E- yeah what do you want to do
J- stay home
E- shut up what colour
J- it's up to you I just follow
E- red?
J- mmm
E- black
J- everyone is gonna be in black
E- Then what other colour
J- navy blue
E- I like that

I put my arm over her shoulders and then we go off the another store. She buys a couple more things and gives them to me when I offered to carry them.

E- you want to go to a store
J- it's fine
E- I'll pay
J- I don't want you to pay
E- It'll be your football gift

I look around the mall and I see a lot of kids from Ohio high and the private school. People must be doing their prom shopping.

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