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Jakes POV
Me and Erika walk into school and bunch of people dap me up and little taps on my shoulder. We go to erikas locker and I lay my head on the locker next to hers

J- I'm gonna head to my locker I'll see you later
E- love you
J- love you too

I give her a kiss before heading to my locker. I get to my locker and throw my bag in. I get a tap on my back

J- what's up

I turn around and see will.

J-never mind

I go grab my note book while he tries to talk to me.

W- that mvp was mine and they took away for the poor kid. If you weren't here I would have gotten it
J- if I wasn't here would you guys be at the championship
W- we would

I shut my locker and head to my class with him following.

J- you don't like me and I don't like you so stop talking to me and move on
W- I'm just trying to state facts
J- you're stating "facts" just so I would get mad
W- not true but you can believe anything you want
J- I will
W- where's Erika
J- class
W- well we have the same class so I better get going so I can have more time to bend her over on the desk
J- shut up
W- her sexy slim body-

I drop my books and spear him to the ground. I sit on him and get a couple punches on him before he turns us over. He punches me a couple times till I feel him get off. I get picked up and I see will smirk at me. The crowd slowly disappears one by one. I shake who ever is holding me off and I turn around to them. Peter stands there

J- don't tell erika
P- *chuckles* I won't but let's get you to the bathroom

He puts his hand on my back and brings us to the bathroom. I clean my face and shirt up before leaving

P- erikas coming turn that way

I lean with both my hands on the locker while Peter stands in front of me

E- hi peter
P- hey erika

He taps me and we walk to class

J- my fucking books are on the floor
P- it's fine

We get in class and sit in the back.

3rd period

The phone rings and the teacher runs to get it. He answers it then looks around the room

Te- okay I'll send him down now

He hangs up.

Te- Jake

I grab my books and as I'm leaving he says something

Te- attendance office good luck bud

I head down and go into the principals office. I sit down and wait for him to walk in. Soon he walks in

P- hi Jake how are you
J- good

I slouch in the chair

P- what happened this morning
J- nothing why

He grabs the remote and plays the tv. You see me turn around and spear him to the ground

P- should I play more
J- no
P- so what happened this morning
J- he said something and I didn't like it
P- there are many different ways of handling that instead of fighting. What did he say
J- I don't want to say
P- right now you're at a 5 day suspension but if you tell me what happened I will cut it down to three
J- he-he said something about Erika
P- like what
J- he was telling me how he has sex with Erika and talking about her body
P- you must know that isn't true
J- it's not but you just don't talk about my girlfriend like that or even any other girl

We talk for a bit longer

P- so three day suspension. Thursday Friday and Monday

I nod my head and he gives me a piece of paper.

P- you can head out there's five minutes till fourth
J- thanks

I head out and make my way to my locker. I put my books in and throw the piece of paper in there. I wait a bit and the bell rings. Someone grabs my hand and then they appear beside me

E- what the hell are you thinking

I take my hand and look in my locker

E- Jake
J- what Erika
E- why did you fight him
J- do we have to talk about this here
E- well everyone already knows that's how I found out
J- good for you
E- don't be a dick
J- I'm not trying to be I'm just angry right now...I'll just talk to you later

I see her leave out of the corner of my eye.

After school

I throw my hoodie in and put the hood on. I meet erika at my car. I unlock it and she gets in. I put my bag in the back before getting in. We leave and head home. Once we get there I grab both of our bags from the back while Erika opens the door. I get in and drop our bags near the door. I run upstairs and change. I put a beanie on and shorts and a shirt. I head downstairs to get a snack

E- do you want to talk about it now
J- what do you want me to tell you
E- why
J- he was talking about you again
E- I told you he was kidding
J- okay so it's still not okay

We talk a bit more

E- turn around
J- I'd rather not
E- babe we live together there's no way you can hide

I turn around and she comes around the island to me.

E- jake you already have bruises
J- *sighs* I know

I hear the door open

D- Jake!

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