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J- I love you too
E- this apartment looks brand new
J- it helped me get my mind off of things
E- how's school
J- I um haven't gone
E- Jake
J- I know. The schools shit anyway I hate it so much
E- will you go tomorrow
J- *sighs* yeah but you have to come at lunch
E- I can work something out
J- just make sure you roll your skirt up one more time so it's extra short then your shirt-
E- why don't I just come naked
J- that's an option too
E- shut up

Jakes POV
I go down to kiss her but Archie barks and scares the shit out of me.

J- shut up

He barks again

J- this dog just sometimes gets on my nerves
E- swe how it feels
J- hey I do not get on your nerves
E- sometimes but I bet I get on your nerves
J- your not wrong

She punches me and I stand up. I take my hoodie off

E- oh no
J- you started it

She stands up and I try to grab her as we go around the place. I was close a couple times but she hit my hand away. She goes to turn into the kitchen but I grab her and throw her over my shoulder going to my room. We both start laughing

E- Jake
E- please
E- I give up

I playfully throw her onto the bed.

J- you lasted longer than I thought
E- very funny
J- it was better than the other times
E- I think I should head home
E- yeah but I'll see you tomorrow

We get up and Archie follows close behind.

J- bye pebbles
E- bye jakey

I blush and I give her a hug

J- I love you
E- I love you too

She leaves and I just realized that I got my girl back. After a while I jump in the shower and collect my things for school.

Next day
I finally get to school and I pick my board up. I walk inside and everyone stares. I get to my locker and stuff all my things in there. A couple people cane up to me told me that they were sorry for my loss and stuff. It was hard because it just made my mind go to my mom. I grab my book and go to class. I sit there and everyone starts to come in as the bell rings. I look up and tanner sits beside me

T- sup fucker how is it caring about just one person
J- what's your problem
T- your the easiest to to pick on. No family no one to love you no money your pretty small too
J- just go
T- I'm okay

The teacher walks in and does her thing and teaches us. The bell rings and I go to my next class and sit in the back. No one really noticed me being here so I guess that's kinda good. I sit through my next two classes hear comments and whispers about me. At lunch I put my hood up and walk outside. I go to the back of the parking lot and see Erika leaning on the hood of her car on her phone. You can tell that she rolled her skirt up once more. As she hears my footsteps she looks up. I get closer to her and she stands straight.

J- thanks for rolling up your skirt
E- just for you

I ingulf her in a hug.

J- aren't you cold
E- a little

We get in the back seat of her car and turn the heat on a bit. Her legs go on my lap as she sits against the side of the car

E- what's with the hood
J- so people don't see me
E- babe is it really that bad here
J- *sighs* yeah

She doesn't know about Tanner bullying me. It's been going on since grade 11 too

E- I'm sorry

She gets up and sits with her legs on each side of me. 

E- my prom is coming up smiles
J- oh yeah *smiles*
E- *smiles* yeah

I hug her and her head goes onto my shoulder

J- I'm guessing you want to go
E- yeah
J- I'll go

She takes her head out of my shoulder

E- really?
J- *smiles* yeah
E- your serious
J- I'll think about it
E- no no no you just said you'll go
J- I did when
E- shut up

She lightly punches my shoulder.

J- I'm coming
E- I love you
J- I love you too
E- can you come over

She starts to move her hips on my area

J- rik

She smiles at me. I grab her face and bring it close to mine. As I go in to kiss her, her phone goes off she stops what she is doing and grabs her phone

E- hello...hi dad...you got to paper?...Thursday?...no because then tomorrow we have to go get the things...I haven't...i will...yeah I'll talk to you more about this tonight...dad I'm busy...I'm um helping someone...A teacher?...okay bye

She throws her phone beside us

J- what's up
E- nothing
J- Erika
E- someone's serious using my full name
J- I want to know
E- nope
J- is it about me
E- ...
J- it is
E- oh did you hear that, the bell rang

She tries to get off of me

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