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~My principal and stepfather~


"There are many opinions that have been formed towards the concept of school. Many think it is beneficial to all whilst others think it is pretty much the most useless thing or idea in the whole world. Some others don't even care whether it's good or bad.

This essay of mine has been constructed specifically to show my stance on the topic of education or school. In my opinion, school is basically a second hell. A hell complete with devils and demons who torment every single weekday of your teenage life.

In my personal opinion, school is unnecessary and should be banned. This is because innocent children are subjected to torment by these devils and demons who take form as bullies, teachers as well as principals.

These individuals are also a part of the uselessness of school-- What kind of essay is this?", Mr. Wilson, my principal, asked.

"The kind Mrs. Devil asked us to write", I responded.

"Her name is pronounced 'De - Ville'."

"Same difference", I shrugged again, honestly not caring anymore.

Mr. Wilson sighed and took off his glasses, sitting back in his chair. He watched me for a while and I stared right back at him, half bored and half annoyed.

"Could you just give me detention so I can go? I have places to be, classes to sleep in", I said finally.

He sighed and sat back up.

"You can't keep doing this, Laiela."

"Of course I can", I drawled lazily.

"This is a dangerous game you are playing but I know you can't keep this up forever--"

"You don't know me", I shouted, standing up abruptly.

"Laiela, sit down."

"Just say what you want to say so I can leave. I don't have time for this", I said still standing.

He sighed again.

"Your mother and I are worried about you--"

"Cut the crap, I need to go."


"Mr. Wilson. John. Or whatever you call yourself. This isn't home nor is it that happy family fantasy you have created in that mind of yours, dear stepfather. This is the Godforsaken school you run so do your job and stop that 'your mother and I are worried about you' crap."

He sighed then said,

"Okay then, three weeks of detention and a visit to the guidance counselor twice a week, choose whatever day you want."

"Whatever. I'm out of here. Don't expect me home early after detention and don't wait up for me."

With that I grabbed my backpack from the floor and walked right out of the office, hanging the bag on my shoulder. The hallways were filled with students who parted way at the sight of me.

Chase - J. JonesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat