Chapter 41

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Malia's POV
It was 12 almost 1 . I am changed into black with white tribal printed maxi skirt , pinkish-white muscle tank with little studs , and sandals . I do my hair curly with a crown braid . i just put mascara and lipstick . I went downstairs to the bathroom and check for my perfume .
" Elizabeth , have you seen my perfume ?"
" Yeah , its in the bottom of you suitcase . "
" Oh okay thanks ."
i ran upstairs and checked my suitcase . There it was . I sprayed a few sprays and went downstairs .
" He's here ?"
" Yeah ."
I walked down to see kalin looking casual like me .
" Wow , dang . I thought i was stunning ."
" awe kalin . "
i kissed his cheek , but then he turned his face so we basically just kissed .
he then opens the car door for me and closes it .
" Where are we going to ?"
" You will see ?"
i hate surprises .

Cam's POV
Me and Ana came home . We just chilled and laid down . I intertwined my legs and hands with hers . She is so beautiful . i am so glad we are together .
( just to let you guys know , they have known each other for quiet awhile . 😭 )
" Babe , can you make popcorn ?"
" Sure ."
Before i left , i got my phone and took a picture of Ana .
' My beautiful babygirl , Ana . 💘😍
@anasteezxo '
I posted it and my phone started to blow up .

Jake's POV
we came back from the movies . We laughed the whole time . it was so funny .
" Dom , want to get something to eat ?"
" Sure ."
We got into the car and drove to Sonics . As soon as we got there , we parked and ordered our food . We talked about life , kids , future everything .
" Dom , you know you mean the world to me . I really want to promise you everything . we have been through thick and thin . we don't show it , but we have . this is has been the best 11 months with you . you make me so happy so i promise to make you happy too ." i pulled of the promise ring and said ," dom , do you accept the promise ?"
" Yes ." We kissed and i was so happy . the food guy came to our window and handed us our food . We ate and talked all night .
" I love you , Dominique Veracruz ."
" I love you too , Jake Parrish ."

Kalin's POV
We are on our way to the beach . it was a perfect time since we have been driving for hours now . its now sunset and we got to the beach . Then her face lit up like a firework . She was smiling from ear to ear .
" Kalin ."
She ran to me and jumped . I spun her around and set her down .
" Let's go to our blanket and eat ."
" Okay ."
We walked down the beach hand in hand . It felt like such a perfect moment .

Elizabeth's POV
I left Kalin and Malia's apartment and went back to mine .
" Hey fiancè ."
I say to Myles and he walks into the kitchen looking sick .
" Are you okay ?"
" No , i think i have cold ."
" Okay , lay down on the couch and wrap yourself with a light blanket . I am going to make my famous soup . "
" Thanks babe ."
" No problem , meelz ."
I started to cook the soup and i looked back at Myles . His beautiful smile appeared on his face . Gosh , i love this
boy so much . I am finally finished and i walk to Myles .
" Here you go ."
I set it down on the mini table we git a couple months ago .
" Thanks . let's watch a movie together ."
" Okay , Lazy day it is ."
" Yup . "
Just then , i heard our song playing .
" Babe , do you hear that ?"
" What , Elizabeth ."
" The music . it sounds like the song we first listened to when we first went out ."
" C'mon get up ."
" No i'm lazy , myles ."
" hey , i'm the sick one ."
" okay ."
i got up and we slow danced . This song is so perfect . ( one chance - albert posis )

Yezii's POV
i am hanging out with tyler .
" Babe ?"
" Yes ."
" Want to watch a marathon full of throwback episodes with me ?"
" sure ."
I walked downstairs to see my prince laying down with a blanket .
" Warm there , huh ?"
" yes , very ."
We looked at each other and then bursted out laughing . Gosh , this boy can make me smile forever . We cuddled and watch the episodes all day .

// hey guys , i am not feel good today . i just want to sleep . 😭👏 school was school . today was boring . anyways , enough negativity , but i am making a sequel after idk chapters of this book . ( i know i said 50 chapters , but i changed my mind .) So i was wondering if you guys could give suggestions on the title for the sequel . this means the world . i am so proud of the support for this book . Leave suggestion in comments below or inbox me on here . Thanks Loves . ilysm . - mary //

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