CH 5

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3 Days later........

After that day I never bunked any classes. Regularly attended. I never stayed at my room and studied with Jisung in his room. Just like what oppa said I tried avoiding him as much as I could. He began to sit with us during dinner, so I seated myself with Jisung. I was attached to him like a magnet.

It was another weekend. Uncle and Aunt were heading to some party of her colleague which meant only three of us were there. I was bugging aunt to take me with them as the party was till late night but she denied. She was like, if you come who will take care of your brothers.

I begged uncle not to leave me. He couldn't do anything after her command. I was sulking in the drawing room with Jisung who was watching TV. Before leaving uncle came to the room, "Jisung take care of your sister. Don't let anything happen to her." He warned him. He looked at me weirdly. "This thing is better without me appa." He scoffed and turned. "You better do what you are said otherwise you will get it from me when I return." He raised his voice and Jisung nodded like a small kid.

"Bye and have fun. Pray for me." My words to them. "Why are you acting so different?" He asked me.
"Like?" I questioned him back. "Like you are always with me. And now this." He pointed out. "Well, oppa is not here, so if some burglary takes place, what will you do? Go save your phone or me?" I reasoned him.

"I will go save my phone." He smiled before looking back to TV. "Idiot." I mumbled. It was around 7 in the evening when I decided to go and get some juice. We were watching some comedy movies.

As I entered the kitchen and was startled to see Suho in the kitchen playing with an apple. "Apples." He sang before gliding his eyes to me and taking a bite. He somehow knew that I would come here. It was very creepy. Not wanting to take a chance, I made a beeline back to the room.

"Did you notice that Suho came?" I asked him. "No. He was here the whole day." Jisung said it like a small matter. My heart began to beat fatser. The way he sang the word apples kept resonating in my head. "Jisung-ah." I called him and Jisung gave me a shocked face. "You called me with so much affection after a very long time." He spoke and then began to laugh, I didn't find it funny. "I am scared come here." I tried to pull him. "Why are you pulling me to that corner?" He asked me getting annoyed. "Just sit close to me." I whined and he sat next to me.

A while later Suho entered the room with a tray of three glasses filled with juices. He placed it infront of us. Both of us looked at him. I looked at him with fear while Jisung was kinda amused with this. "Drinks for you." He began to hand over the juice glass.

"Wait let me get something to eat." He said before running off. "What happened to him?" Jisung asked me. "I have no clue." I mumbled. I felt to exchange the juice. "Give me yours." I took the glass from his hand and gave mine. "What is your problem?" He asked me getting annoyed. "Nothing, I just want to taste the better one." I smiled and gulped down the juice.

"You are so mean." He drank mine. And then Suho entered with pastries. "Hyung, you all right?" Jisung asked him who sat beside Jisung. "Yea. It's been so long since we sat like this and saw a movie." He said looking at me. I acted like I was concentrating on the movie.

Jisung ate his as well as my pastry. After a while I felt a weight on my shoulder. Jisung placed his head on my shoulder. "Jisung-ah, don't fall as sleep." I whispered to him. "I am not." His lousy voice made it clear that he was very sleepy. Not that long when I looked at him, his eyes were closed. I gulped.

Not wanting to stay with the other I tried to stand, "Where are you going?" He asked his eyes not leaving the screen. "To drink some water." I stumbled up my words. "Hmm. Stay here, I will get it." He said and stood up walking to the kitchen. With having that chance I made myself slip from the sofa and ran to my room, that's what I thought. But then I was stopped by him mid way lifted up and carried back to the room. "Put me down. Please. I don't want to do anything with you." I begged him. He dropped me on the sofa, taking a seat next to me. Jisung was in the other corner of the sofa. I tried to crawl away but he pulled me back and had me sit on his lap. My legs stretched on the sofa and my back taking the support of sofa's hand. "Stay." His voice thundered. I remained silent.

Kinsmir : The Lover Of A Vampire 《《PJM》》Where stories live. Discover now