Part 2, Knomes

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"Don't get your tool-belt in a knot!"
-Rude Knomes to emotional Knomes.

The Knome race is a curious bunch. Not just in a way that they're a bit odd, but also that compared to other races curiosity is almost hardwired into their physiology.

The appearance of the Knomes started the age of invention, they were the second core race after the Trolls, meaning they were the first to evolve separately from the walking rocks. They were quickly followed by the Giants, who did evolve from Trolls. However, both races owe their evolution to the conflict of thinking that came out of the Troll philosophy of Stonicism. The Knomes coming out the analytical side of thinking and the Giants from the empathetic side. This made the Knomes the original Hubad philosophers and the Giants the original Ystin philosophers.

A Knome is a short spindly creature with long, skinny arms and legs compared to their body. They haven't always been cavern dwellers once the race lived almost everywhere on Sojurut. However, the skin tone of modern Knome is often greyish due to the fact that almost all of the remaining Knomes live in the caverns below the Pentakl plain. In their secret city-state, Véla, essentially a large nerd bunker; they scurry about inventing both the most useless and the most technologically advanced marvels on Huom.

Still, some retain some of their original brown skin. As for the eyes, they haven't changed. Large and always in shades of brown, they lack the whites common among other races, making them look a bit like balls of glass. Together with disproportionally large ears and noses on furry little faces, the Knomes have one of the most unique looks on Sojurut.

They also have the shortest lifespans of any race, rarely living more than fifty years. Their age can be told by their height, since they grow their entire lives. In the short time they have on Huom, they sometimes create things that could completely reform how life is lived on Sojurut. These technologies are commonly ignored both by other Knomes and the other races. Because they are good at making things, but not so much at marketing the usefulness of those things.

Their insatiable curiosity means that Knomes love proving things. They live for inventing, but they would die for 'Theoretical logick'. It wouldn't be accurate to describe logick as a religion but the Knomes do revere it as one, refusing to use the other word for theoretical logick except when referring to their god. Lady Science.

As frequent sceptics of any superstition, one would think that perhaps they wouldn't have a deity. However, Cokurness appeared right after the Knomes and share their penchant for paradoxes and the non-logical. Being an atheistic deity just like her Knome built demi-god Tölva. The prophetess of numbers.

Logick has three levels. The whole-y trinity of Why, What and How. In order of reverence, the theoretical, the practical, and technology.

Knomes are a natural tinkerers, and not the clumsy meddling kind, but the expertly self-taught kind. However, they have a tendency to over-tinker, turning a good idea into a mess of gears and levers sticking every which way.
In fact Knomes love their tinkering so much, it's not uncommon for them to die of starvation while obsessing over some invention. They also sometimes make their inventions so convoluted they no longer understand it themselves. The most prominent example being Tölva.

A great example of extreme tinkering was Boole, an extreme logickian who in later life was known as the hat-madder. A name received while she was trying to set the administrator's password through Tölva's console.
She died of starvation with her hands still on the word-maker attached to the console to her invention. Never managing get the thing say anything except 'Connection refused'. She was clueless as to the origin of how the most crucial part of her machine, the ingenious rock that serves as Tölva's core.

As wielders of the power technology, the Knomes are part of the symbiotic power triangle between magick, technology and airy, whether they like it or not.
In Empris, they represent the skilled and much too dedicated working class. In the early days of the sorcerer's nation they almost went extinct as the sorcerers decided their only value was to be used as payment for magick. This practice was stopped by the other nations. It also led to the class of Knomes known as administrators to start the ever unpopular fertility season. As a way to ensure the sapiosexual tinkerers contributed to keeping their race alive.

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