Chapter 1 Part 2

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"And, I think we should take him back to the center." She responded.
The 'center' was a sea life center that the five worked at. It aided aquatic animals that were injured or orphaned, as well as studied their behavior and the ocean around that area.
"Meadow--" August started, but was cut off.
"What is the 'center'?" Meadow asked, sounding fearful.
"It's not bad. It's where Davis and I work. We help sick animals like sea lions and otters, then possibly return them to the wild." August explained.
"Possibly?" Meadow asked.
"Well, some animals are too injured, like birds missing wings. We also take in orphans, which can't be returned to the wild because they wouldn't be able to take care of themselves. In those cases, son animals stay at the sea life center, others are sent to zoos, sanctuaries, and other places that will educate people about these animals and how to care of the oceans." August explained.
'Oh.' was all Meadow responded with, the fear seeming to be replaced with something else.
"Would it be okay if we took you there?" August asked.
"Y-yeah, I just feel funny all of a sudden." Meadow replied, swaying softly in August's hold.
"August," Davis got his attention with worry and urgency in her voice. "We need to hurry. I think he's suffering from blood loss."
To August, what happened next was a blur. He picked Meadow up with one arm under his arms and the other supporting his tail.
Davis went first up the rocks, helping to guide August up. Their other coworkers, John, Felix and Corin were milling around the tide pools. Davis yelled at them to go to the van and get out the emergency kit. They quickly scrambled to get to the van.
August moved as quickly as he could. Meadow was a lot heavier then he looked.
Finally, August got to the van. Davis was already there. A plastic sheet covered the floor of the back. Felix, a Filipino man with a short clipped mustache was also in the back, holding three buckets of water still.
Gently, August set Meadow down on his side, the crawled in after him. meadow had a look in his eyes that showed fear. He tried to push himself up, August laid down next to him and held him there. August placed his knees against August's tail to keep him from curling up.
The van started moving and Meadow whimpered.
"Shhh." August hushed him and held him close. "We'll be there soon."
Meadow rested his head on August's chest and slipped into an uneasy sleep.

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