king boo x reader - new queen

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"King boo wishes you where this for tonight" he brought in a white long dress with red and gold jewels on it
"It looks very pretty and thank you"
The boo walked out to let you change into the dress

Once changed you looked into the mirror in your room your h/l was braided and put into a bun, there is a golden necklace with ruby jewelry in the middle

You walked out of your room down to the dining area to see all the boos there talking to echother and some of them were dancing, when you walked in and walked to where king boo was
"Hello my queen you look very lovely today"

He grabbed a glass and silverware then made a little dingy noise by hitting the glass with the silverware

Everyone looks over to you and king boo
"I have gathered you all here today in the dining hall to celebrate the new queen y/n"

King boo grabs a smaller version of his crown and puts it on your head
Then every boo started to celebrate and dance

"My I have this dance my queen"
"You may"
You and king boo danced for the rest of the night with the other boos celebrating the new queen

king boo x reader one shots and lemonsWhere stories live. Discover now