*The Meeting*

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"Guys we need to put a stop to this..if we don't..I think ALL of us will end up getting murdered..we need to have a meeting and try to put a stop to all of this" -Chan

"I don't know what has been happening..I'm scared..what if I'm next..?" -Jeongin

"We don't know yet, we all need to figure this out! I'm not sure who the killer is but I hope it's not one of us" -Seungmin

"We're the only ones left in our friend group...all of them....are gone..I just don't..understand why..why this had to happen.." -Jeongin

"Things happen..but we need to stay strong, we need to prepare and be aware..but we also need to watch eachother to make sure none of us is the killer" -Chan

"I just want this to end already..I never wanted this..none of us did..m-my best friends..this is too...cruel" -Jeongin

"We all want this to stop! and I agree with Chan hyung, we can't fully trust eachother! we're not sure if it isn't really one of us" -Seungmin

"I agree with Chan hyung too.." -Jeongin

"Okay..from now on, we're staying together and we are not separating no matter what okay?" -Chan

"Yes Chan hyung..I know I can trust you" -Jeongin

"Understood hyung" -Seungmin

Things are getting close to the end, and I am making it harder for myself so it can be easier for you guys! And we only have one elimination round left...choose the killer and you guys win (well you'll only win if you voted the killer because I am very rude) but if you choose an innocent person..the killer automatically wins and there maybe a part 2 (if I'm lucky enough to trick you guys which I won't because I am dumb and you guys are smart as h e c k)

Good luck for the last time :)

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