*2nd Interrogation: Han Jisung*

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Interrogator: Hello. Han Jisung am I correct?

Jisung: Y-Yes sir...

Interrogator: Do you know why you're brought here?

Jisung: I d-do...But I just k-knew..

Interrogator: I'm just going to ask you questions. Don't worry too much.

Jisung: O-Okay s-sir.

Interrogator: So you were brought because you were related to Kim Woojin and Lee Minho.

Jisung: M-Minho...?

Interrogator: You're his boyfriend right?

Jisung: Y-Yes, I love Minho very m-much 

Jisung: I-Is that all sir...?

Interrogator: ah, sorry I was just thinking something. And one last question

Jisung: What i-is it sir..?

Interrogator: Were you with Minho at around 12:45 AM?

Jisung: Well... I could say so.

Interrogator: Ok then. You're free to go, thanks for your time Mr. Han.

Jisung: N-No problem sir! 


Detective 1: So...anything?

Interrogator: Not really anything suspicious, And Minho has less suspiciousness from me now. Let's just call Mr. Han innocent from now.

*and bla bla bla, then bla bla bla, and blAAAA*


Any questions for Suspect 2, Han Jisung?

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