*Final Suspect: Kim Seungmin*

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Seungmin: Good Evening Mr. Wang *bows*

Interrogator: Good Evening Seungmin, You're the most suspected person out of everyone I interrogated. Did you know that?

Seungmin: Yes Mr. Wang

Interrogator: Well where were you around 12:45 AM?

Seungmin: I was in my room locked in, I was chatting with someone

Interrogator: Who is that 'someone'?

Seungmin: Hyunjin

Interrogator: What were you two talking about?

Seungmin: I was just telling him how I felt bad for giving such an attitude at my older brother, He said he wanted to come over and comfort me, minutes later I let him sneak in through my bedroom window.

Interrogator: What happened after that?

Seungmin: I think I fell asleep

Interrogator: Well...do you suspect anyone in particular?

Seungmin: I think I suspect Chan Hyung

Interrogator: Why is that?

Seungmin: I mean...how does he know so much? I don't think I ever told anyone..nor Hyunjin

Interrogator: How do you know that Hyunjin didn't tell?

Seungmin: We both made a promise to keep the secret of the fight between us, he'd never break promises...ever

Interrogator: Hmm..Okay thank you for your time Seungmin, you may go for now

Seungmin: Thank you Mr. Wang *bows*


Detective 1: Anything? Is he suspicious?

Interrogator: Not at all, and as much as I hate to say this but I think our good friend Chan is more suspicious.

Detective 1: Interesting..

Detective 2: Mr. Wang what do you need to do now? All the suspects are interrogated.

Interrogator: I guess I'll have to lock in 1 person

Detective 1: How would you do that?

Interrogator: I'll let the viewers decide and vote

(Vote on the next Chapter)


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