Chapter 1: First Session

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Stupid fucking Deku. He didn't understand a damn thing. Didn't understand he was fine. Didn't understand that it wasn't for him. The nerd was more bold and comfortable with talking to him. He didn't really mind that much. He had to say he never hated him. Just a passionate dislike. Katsuki also had to say a lot of things had crossed the line.

Some people needed it, he could admit that. He didn't think it was pathetic unless it was him. Therapy was not an option, was never an option.

But as Deku had put it when they walked to the dorms (yes, sometimes Katsuki put up with him), "I'm just saying you should sort through some of your issues, Kacchan."

His response was always something like, "I don't need that kinda shit, dumbass!"

"You could work on your anger issues too," Deku had said back one time.

When they both showed up for class scratched up, Aizawa had asked what happened. Katsuki's only response was, "It's a blur."

He got done with his run. He had been doing them earlier than usual, always having a slip of paper in his pocket. Him leaving early always woke up Eijirou. The redhead always mumbled an, "I love you" or "Go back to bed, please". He showered and when he grabbed his dirty clothes, he took the piece of paper out.

6:30 before classes
she's in room 5-1

Katsuki scowled at the handwriting, why did he even keep it?

That's how he ended up away from the dorms and down the hallways, in search of room 5-1. When he was in front of the door, he wanted to turn around. Wanted to walk away and never think about it again. Maybe she wasn't here on Saturdays. But his arm raised, made a fist and came down.

The knock was soft, but he heard a feminine voice say, "Come in!"

He could still walk away. Once again his body betrayed him, his hand grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

She had smiled when he entered, "Bakugou, correct?"

He nodded, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Well come on in then!" She laughed, "Make sure to take off your shoes. The couch or chair whichever makes you comfortable."

He took the chair after taking off his shoes. Looking around he noticed that the place looked like a living room. It was homey, but there was also another door in the room. A name plate on the one, he remembered the numbers only being on the other door. For confidential reasons? But he read it, Tanaka Y.

She must've noticed his staring because she grinned, "That's my office, I like my office and room to be separate. Feels too tense if ya know what I mean."

It made sense, he liked it more than what he pictured a therapy session. He didn't really know what to say, so he took in the room and her in general. She had to be young or maybe she just had a baby face. Either way he had to admit she was beautiful. Her brown hair was really long, probably past her butt if she stood. But her eyes were the most captivating feature, they were round and purple. Her features may be part of her quirk. The room was nice. A mixture of light blues and brown.

"Bakugou?" She said, making the boy jump. He needed to say something.

"How do you know my name?" He had a few guesses as to why and frankly he could careless. But he needed to get this thing started and over with.

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