Something Fishy About Avril

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Abigail’s P.O.V

In the Math hour, we all sat with our love’s, least bothered about what was happening around us, especially what was being taught. And all that I felt during the practice was just dumb, I realize. They are never gonna leave me…Not in this life anyway.

Craig pinched me from the back. I turn back to see his funny face. He says, “I’m your love. First love.Okay? So don’t ditch me and do shit with Anny EVER again.”  Carol and Anny look at each other confused, why he was saying such a stupid thing at this point of time. I asked, “But why are you saying this now?” . He replies, “I was just thinking about what could have happened between you guys yesterday. So I thought I should straight away warn you about it.” Carol, Anny and I giggle. I replied, “Good thing Carol understands how stupid and senseless you are. If it was some other girl in her place, she would have left you LONG BACK!!” Craig stretches from his chair to kiss Carol and says, “That’s my babe!”  Anny and I turn to the front laughing. Anny came closer to me and holds my hand. He says, “You are the best thing that’s ever been mine!” I replied, “Anny, are you singing a Taylor Swift song to me?”  He threw me a smile and asked, “Do you like it?” I reply, “I am not so much into Taylor Swift songs. Sing me Eminem’s or Maroon 5’s song!”

“You and I go hard, at each other like we going to war

You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slammin' the door

You and I get so, damn dysfunctional we stopped keeping score…” He starts with the action of playing a guitar.

I couldn’t control my laughter. I burst out laughing and every nerd in the front turns to check out the dare devil who interrupted “Mr. EVIL GEORGE’s”  math class. I felt like a total weirdo. That evil teacher asked me to get out of the class and I happily obeyed him. Anthony was sad since I was going out and he had to spend the rest of the 20min without entertainment.

Who was goin’ to wait at the door and get bored? I walked off to Anthony’s locker to find out what was in it. He had told me his locker code earlier..And he knows mine too! All I found in there were porn CD’s, Game CD’s and a Magazine with so many naked chics! I shut the door of his locker, promising myself to never open it again! Wonder what would be there inside Jaspy’s, Carvy’s, Craig’s and Seshy’s lockers!! Pfft*!!

I walked through the corridor. No one was out. I wonder whether the art of bunking classes has vanished from LPS! I wandered about giggling thinking about the funny stuff with my boys. Though Carvy ain’t the closest to me, he was the one I was reminded about the most. His smiling face often appeared in my mind.

While walking to my locker, I saw a locker door open and heard sound of a girl moaning. I exactly knew what was happening. I walked past them to my locker, which was five lockers away from that one. They were too busy that they didn’t notice me. I tried my best to avoid looking at them, but I couldn’t control myself. I hid myself behind my locker door and peeped. The boys head hid the girls face. All I could see was the movement of the girl’s leg and her boyfriend running his hands through her body. Their smooch was passionate. Too passionate that they couldn’t breathe. Finally the sequence broke when the girl pushed the boy away! A familiar face it was. I couldn’t recollect all of a sudden. But after a minute’s thought, I realized the girl was AVRIL!!!!

I pushed myself to the locker door and turned away from them. I put my palm over my mouth in shock!!! I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was shocked. I was trembling on the thought of my Carvy being heartbroken. I decide to turn back and make sure whether it was Avril or not! I had my fingers crossed! Jesus in my heart and Carvy’ smiling face in my mind, I turned….But what did I see? There was no sign of a girl or a boy standing near the locker. And the locker was locked!

The matter was getting worse! I thought over and over. Finally I ended up connecting my thoughts before I saw the couple and the scene I saw afterwards. I tried to make myself believe that it was just the worst nightmare of my life and it was regarding Carvy ‘cause I was thinking about him earlier. BLAH! I’ve started daydreaming also! Silly me!


We all sat down at our daily table, Of course! Caroline and Valerin joined us today! Carvy and Anny sat beside me. Anny was busy playing with my hair, kissing my neck. I couldn’t enjoy any of that since I was disturbed with my nightmare, or should I call ‘DAYMARE’? Carvy grinned at me and asked, “What’s up with you Abby? Tell your Karvy, babe!” His innocent eyes, cute voice and lovely smile made me cry. I controlled my tears.

“Avril babe, what plans today? Could we hang out today?” Karvy shouted on seeing Avril pass through our table. Avril gave us an evil grin and stammered, “Umm…I...I don’t think so, Carven. I..I have to go to my…umm…Grandma’s today! Some other day, please?” Carvy just smiled at her. I was somewhat sure that Avril had something fishy going on in her.

The way Avril got rid of a date with Carvy was just proving how she was trying to get rid of him. I couldn’t control my tears anymore. I stood up from my chair and walked off… I heard Jasper, Anny, and Everyone call me from the back, but if I had turned back now, they would notice me cry and I wasn’t ready to explain all of what was happening…

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