What was Craig doing in the Car??

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Anthony and I are just hanging out in the street ‘cause we got nothing else to do at home and Jaspy, Seth, Carvy and Kaig were somewhere out. And today for the first time after I made friends with Anthony and my boys, I wore my specs. All the way we walked; we didn’t look at each other. Anthony had his hands in his hoodie’s pocket and was looking down, probably admiring his new converse. And I was walking, swinging my hands in the air and my short-front hair all over my forehead which was hiding my glasses. I suddenly turned my head towards him and asked, “So you are the only kid of your parents?” He slowly turned his head and said, “Umm….I have two wacky and sappy elder sisters. As lame and stupid as your brothers. By the way, what on earth are you wearing those specs for??” I softly said, “I have eye-sight problems. As Mr. Felix says, I am suffering from myopia!!” he smiled and stopped walking. He turned towards me and pushed me towards someone’s gate. He came really close to me and kept one of his arms beside me, thus blocking my way. With his other hand he pulled my specs off and put them down and crashed it with his converse. He then gently moved my fringes and said, “Why do you wanna hide your beautiful eyes?” I suddenly turned my head to my right and he slowly moved his head even closer to me. That’s when I felt that there was a guy in an Audi parked just a lil away who looked so much like Craig. I pushed Anthony away and said, “Hey! Look! That guy looks JUST like Kaig. And see he is getting smoochy with his girl.” Anthony looked carefully and laughed. “That is CRAIG! But when did he get a girlfriend??”

We slowly walked towards the car SECRETLY looked through the window glass. They were so badly engrossed in their smoochy scene that they didn’t really notice us. Craig was shirtless. The girl’s face could not be seen since she was sitting with her back towards us. Craig moved towards her, still smooching her. He slowly pulled her sleeve down. And whatever she was wearing inside  was seen. Then he removed the hook of that lady’s bra. He threw it off. Then they had a big hug…Literally having no barrier between them. He slowly ran his palm through her chest. He made a love bite on her shoulder.

Anthony turned his head away and said, “YUCK!! That’s gross! Is it like Craig is a play boy or something??” I looked at him and said, “No way! My Craig can never be like that.”

But deep inside I wasn’t sure about my statement.

Then Craig started biting her lips. She made quite a loud noise…’Cause we could hear it from out though the Car was completely closed. He then slowly went a lil down and kissed her stomach. And then he removed her undies……Then I softly told Anny, “Don’t look! I don’t want you to see any other girl naked other than me!!”  SHIT!!!! What did I just say now??? FUCK! FUCK! He must have thought that am dyeing to have sex with him!! DAYMMNN!! He smiled and replied in his sexiest voice, “As you wish! By the way I don’t wanna see anyone like that other than you…” I just smiled ’cause I had no idea how to react to that.

When Craig started removing his pants, Anthony pulled me and we ran away from there. By then the sky was purple in colour. While running he said, “The rest wasn’t allowed for kids to watch.”

His joke didn’t strike me since I was filled with thoughts about Craig and the mysterious girl. Was it Caroline?? But they weren’t in a relation yet…I was engrossed with thoughts.

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