Getting Closer

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Abigail’s P.O.V

Till yesterday it was fun having Craig as my partner but today he is totally into a book with hard cover full of pink and red hearts…He is going on writing something which I can’t see from my chair. Whatever he is writing about, I am sure it’s not about Physics ‘cause Mr. Felix’s pronunciation and grammar is way out of the understanding of a normal teenager’s understanding. But right now, the only thing I can do is wait patiently until the bell rings….I am gonna snatch the book from him and see what’s in it. I turned to Jaspy, sitting right behind me, and asked, “Have any idea about what’s going on?” Jasper yawned and said, “What’s so different? Like any other Physics hour this period also, Mr. Frankenstein is on with his KARAYZEE PHYSICS!” I was totally confused…I asked, “Who is this Frankenstein? By the way I wasn’t asking about any Einstein! I was asking about Kaiggy!!” Jasper replied, “Oh!!We call Mr. Felix that way for his mad skills in Physics, which we really don’t understand. Yeah dude! I nearly didn’t notice him…What’s wrong with him? Nerding and all!!” I burst out laughing ‘cause I thought that I was the only one with ‘And All’ fever...I got up from my chair in joy and hugged Jaspy and said,  “Oh Brother! You have the ‘and all’ Fever too!” And that was when Mr. Felix stopped his Humongous Lecture and shouted, “No signs of love or affection in my class. Physics and only physics, Get that?” Seth and Carven started laughing and Jasper looked real annoyed! I turned and said, “Sir, I was just demonstrating the Third Law OF Motion which is For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Mr. Frankenstein raised his eyebrows and asked, “Do you have an explanation for that, Ms. Abigail Rousseau?” I confidently replied, “Jasper said something which was very nice, that’s action and I hugged him back for bringing a smile on my face. And that’s Reaction.” The entire class including Mr. Felix laughed. He said, “Well done, Abigail.” I never expected him to react that way. Meanwhile, Craig was still into that sappy book!

*Bell Rings*                                                                 

I suddenly snatched the book from Craig’s desk and what did I see?

“Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥ Caroline James ♥”

I asked, “Craig, Are you out of your mind? By the way who is Caroline?” Craig took the book away from me and said, “You know how much I like you and trust you. So please don’t tell this to anyone!”

We started walking through the hallway to my locker. We did the Pinky Promise. I know it’s very sappy and Girls-Only stuff but Craig believes that only a pinky promise can make you keep your promise. YEAH, WHATEVER!!

He continued, “Last Charity week, I saw this girl named Caroline James helping the old women at the Old-Age home.” I replied, “Every one helps people on charity week. That’s no Big Deal!” Craig replied, “Yeah! But I didn’t! I was checking out the Chicken rolls at the canteen of the Old Age home.”

I interrupted before he lengthened the story any further and said, “So you are crushing on her.huh?”

Craig smiled and nodded.

That was when Caroline was walking towards Craig, engrossed in her talk with Jia Maria. Nor did we notice her coming towards us. She hit Craig and was about to fall when Craig jumped and caught her with his right arm. They both got lost in each other’s eyes. Like those film scenes… And the saddest thing was Craig almost forgot me. Caroline slowly got up and stood on her feet when I dragged Craig away from her.

*Mother’s Day*

Jasper, Carven and I were walking to the Math class when Seth and Craig came running towards and yelled, “Guys, any ideas for mother’s day card?”  Jasper replied, “Oh Shit! I almost forgot!! Lets rush..I gotta take my stuff from my locker!” Carven also joined, “Me the same…And I am gonna make a card of her favorite color Purple! She is gonna love it!” I really felt sad hearing their convo! I  turned to Jaspy and hugged him. He touched my back with his left palm and asked, “Whats wrong, Hun?” I sobbed and replied, “Whom will I make a card for?” By then they had understood what was wrong with me.

Jasper lifted me up while I was still hugging him real tight. He kissed me on my forehead very compassionately. Though my eyes were filled with tears I saw many people staring at us. I informed Jaspy, “Dude, everyone’s staring at us. They will misunderstand.” He turned his head away from me and looked around. He replied, “I don’t care about the world. Right now, you need me. And I can even put my reputation or anything else at stake just for you.”  That really cheered me up! The rest of the three patted me on my back and said, “Ease up, Abby! It happens!”. 

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