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Foxer:Ok...we should sleep and maybe i can't sleep because of my disorder

Changeling:Go outside...and it will be helping you right?

Foxer:Yeah...Night everyone!


John*i can't believe Foxer want to do this to me....it feels like...i already have a friend*


Gleeful:Alright,John.... Step 1:you have to say Hi to the people nicely

John:ok....*sees strangers*Hi people!*Hold a knife*

Gleeful:*Hold John*That was not nice....everyone have to say hi nicely not prepared to die!


Gleeful:Step 2:you have to someone a gift

John:Like a bomb?

Gleeful:*Groan*like a cake!give this to that person

John:*Put the bomb to the cake*Hi sir i will give you a cake

Person:Oh wow tha--A BOMB!!!!!

Gleeful:*Clap forehead*

Gleeful:Changeling its your turn to teach John

Changeling:What happend?

Gleeful:First of all...Hi to prepared died and Cake bomb

Changeling:Yikes....ok then

Changeling:So John...Step 3:help people to safety place....we have three place,Forest of darkness, Grave,and House so do we have 3 Foxer's best friend...Spinel,Alicia and Petra...And don't you trying to kill them...i have to blindfolded them so they can't see...bring those people to a One safety place ok?

John:Ok....So...You Spinel?

Spinel:Eh...Yeah?why i have a blindfolded?

John:Oh...i will bring you to safety place*Bring Spinel to House*

Spinel:*Open the blindfolded*You...actually did it!

John:*Look at Changeling*

Changeling:*Thumbs up*

John:Ok...now....Alicia,well i have to admit that you're friend is going to safe....Because i want to be all you're friend

Petra:Can you shut up already?!i triring about waiting ok?

John:Oh...No worry friend*Bring alicia and petra to house with spinel*

Both:*Open the blindfolded*

Changeling:And you know it!And you have to repeat the step and don't trying to kill them

Spinel:you have to wear a catual shirt...we free about the rules

Petra:Yeah...If you don't want to wearing a catual...is alright...free rules

John:Really?i have to ask Foxer...

Changeling:Go ahead....we break 4 Minute Kay?


Spinel:He will never trust us

Petra:Yeah...that's what a jerk are

Gleeful:Guys calm down...you know Foxer can handle

Changeling:I don't wanna a trauma about Foxer half to dead

Alicia:Ha ah...Aku masih tak tega

Gleeful:*Remind she almost kill Foxer and her friend*Eh...Alicia are you still remind of us fighting at School?

Alicia:Sekolah yang mane?

Gleeful:Author's School?

Alicia:Oh ye...dan Kau buat kite hampir mati!


Gleeful:Long story Spinel...long story

*At John*


Foxer:Oh John!so hows the test?

John:I get it know how to make a friend

Foxer:That's great!So what do you want to meet me?

John:You were in base for a month right?


John:So...this base is...Free rules?

Foxer:Yup...No rules...we change our mind tho


Gleeful:Foxer!get everyone to the lobby!

Foxer:What for?

Gleeful:Our story about...before they arrived here

Foxer:Ok then..Helping?



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