Chapter 11: Swimming Blues

Start from the beginning

"You can hold my arm," he muttered, "But no touching my hands!--"

He cringed when she clung to him like a koala bear, emitting a happy squeal. He quickly readjusted, trying to wedge his arm out of anywhere inappropriate because if he didn't, she'd be hugging his arm to her chest like she did with Goo. Fuck, he felt so awkward. Was she really that oblivious? Or was she doing it on purpose. He couldn't tell.

"Ugh, can we go now?!" 

She shot him a grateful grin.

"Thank you, Gun!"

He rolled his eyes at her and dragged her along, not caring if she slipped or not. All the while, Xian giggled as he fumed to himself moodily. It was then when she decided she liked annoying him, and she couldn't help but think this was the start of a great companionship.

And as they walked, she couldn't help but let her mind wander to a certain blonde-haired boy.

'I wonder how Goo's doing.'

October 29, 3:45 PM: A dull hazy glow filled the vast room as golden light seeped in from the windows beside and above. Water lapped at the edge of the pool hungrily, reflecting the emerald and cerulean tiles so streaks of light blue spangled across the walls and white-patterned ceiling, mimicking echoes of the auroras as hushed voices lay blurred with the trickling of water, blended in a chilling symphony.

Goo leaned against the edge of the pool suavely. Droplets framed his toned chest, dotting the crevices of his body as he rubbed the waist of the girl clinging to his arm. Every now and then, his eyes would rake across her body cheekily as he smirked at the sight of her exposed chest, which she would brush against his arm every so often. Her pink hair clung to her slender shoulders as she held onto him, lips pulled into a sultry smile.

He leaned in, knowing exactly what she wanted as he brushed his lips against her ear, letting his comments trail down her skin until she squirmed in his hold. Her legs rubbed against his own, and he was made aware of how they stretched for days. Ooh, he was looking forward to seeing what they could do later.

And yet, his attention was briefly snatched by a loud laugh. His eyes trailed in vague interest, only to light up when he realised there were two more girls further along the pool. Not that hot, but from what he could hear, they sounded interesting. All he was thinking about now was a hundred ways to get them over here. Damn, if he played his cards right, he was going to have a great time tonight.

The smile was wiped from Pinky's face as she let out a whine, annoyed she'd lost his attention. He masked his annoyance beneath a charming smile as strummed her waist with his thumb, hoping it'd get her to calm her tits. He fucking hated the clingy ones but to get what he wanted, he figured he'd just deal with it--

Just then, two new figures strut into scene and Goo's eyes widened in pleasant surprise.

"Wow, baby!"

Xian smiled at him shyly.

The blonde turned round, going to rest his arms against the edge of the pool.

"You look great, kid!" he said as he eyed her up and down, blissfully unaware of how Pinky looked like she was about to slap him.

He whistled lowly as his eyes trailed over her exposed body. The white bikini hugged her tight, covering just enough to be decent and the cut was fantastic. Damn, he had to give Gun some credit. He didn't think the fucker's taste was this good.

He snickered carelessly, sending a blush across her face.

Gun hadn't bothered to greet him, instead walking straight to the opposite end of the pool. Goo scowled at his back, rolling his eyes at his colleague.

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