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Sitting cross legged in the middle of the sitting room, Willow twirled the card over in her hands. Jonathan stirred in front of her and jumped at the sight of her. "Is it normal for you to be up this early, surrounded by this much food?" Jonathan questioned while pushing himself up from the sofa. Reaching down he picked up a nearby packet and turned it over in his hands.

"Dear, you need your glasses on..." Willow whispered, Jonathan shot her a look. "Hey, I'm just saying. Without them, your vision is a little crummy." She smirked, Jonathan let out a short sigh and plucked his glasses up off of the coffee table.

"Do you know how much sugar is in this?" He asked a little shocked, Willow shook her head. "Why does that not surprise me? Can I just say I do not want it to be a hyperactive thing."

"Dude, nine months."

"Great, so you're going to eat sugar filled junk food for nine months and thus leading it to being a hyperactive thing?"

"It and thing, Jonathan, you're an it and a thing." Willow cracked open a packet of cookies and took to nibbling on one.

"How mature of you."

"Hah, coming from the man referring to his child as an it and a thing? No, you're being mature."


"Shh!" Willow put a finger to her lips. "Women get tetchy if you bring things like this up in general. Let alone if they're pregnant."

"Why are you up so early? Perhaps if I ask this, we'll start a normal conversation."

Willow twirled the business card over in her fingers and waved it at him. "Have you read the small print?"

"I've not read it at all. As soon as the man left it, I went to find you, remember?"

"I do."

"Is the small print interesting?"

"Well it sounds like it has been ripped from a Jumanji riddle."

"Elaborate." Jonathan looked interestedly down at the small white card in Willow's hands.

"You'll like this, I know it. I actually think you should use it as a tag line."

"Tag line? What? No really, what?" Jonathan double-took her and then just ended up frowning.

Willow abruptly coughed and looked at the card seriously. Eyeing him up quickly she looked back down at the card. "The Guru. Never Fear self help seminars. A way to leave your fears behind." Willow said in a dramatic tone. "Then there's a number...call this Guru."

"Sorry, did you just order me?"


"Right, don't do that again."

"Call him, please."


"It's interesting. You're in the same business."

"No we're not. He's trying to help people with their fear-"

"You are going down a path of taking people's fears away. How are you two not in the same business?"

Jonathan narrowed his eyes down at her while she innocently smiled up at him. "I hate it when you're right, you know this right?"


"I'm not calling the man at five in the morning."

Willow shrugged and took to opening another packet. "And face it, if the guy annoys you. Or is generally a complete idiot," she paused and looked up at him while shaking a packet of mini doughnuts up at him. Jonathan pulled a face yet picked one out of the packet. "You can always throw hallucinogenic drugs his way." Willow reasoned simply with a smile. "Jonathan, stop glaring at the doughnut. That's not polite."

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