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The bright light shone out into the dark city sky. It cut through the dark clouds and seemed to reflect off of the stars. It had become a natural calling card. It was as normal as anyone receiving a phone call from the office to come into work. Speeding down the street, the black vehicle which was the favoured mode of transport for Batman, came to a halt. Jumping out and aiming upwards, the city buildings whirred past.

Landing silently on top of the building, Bruce skimmed his eyes over the surroundings. Jim Gordon wasn't up here. Nor was any of his officers. Taking another look around, he frowned. There sitting swinging their legs over the edge of the building was Willow. It wasn't hard to confuse her for anyone else. The light breeze which was about blew her long curls into her face. With an annoyed sigh she shoved them back over her shoulder. Wrapping her arms around herself she seemed to huddle more into her jacket.

"What do you want?" He asked, a little too hostile.

Willow looked over her shoulder at him and narrowed her eyes. She didn't have her goggles on. She was actually dressed in civilian clothes, and not her patchwork items which she usually wore when in Jonathan's company. "I am sorry," Willow stated as he took brisk steps forward and switched the light off. Turning around and jumping onto the roof she shivered. "It's so cold!" Whining she shifted from foot to foot. "I am sorry though. I got told to lie to you and be like: 'Oh, he popped up a few days after you saved me.' But no. I couldn't lie to you. But," Willow twiddled her fingers. "I have more loyalties to him than you. So, I'm sorry in general...for...everything, don't you blink?!" Willow mused and stared up at him. "Since talking you've not blinked once." Pulling a face she shifted away from him. "That's creepy."

"What do you want?" He repeated more calmly. He couldn't blame Willow for her mind set. He could try and prevent things from happening. That'd account for the job he gave her. But it just seemed impossible. No matter what happened, she would still go back to Jonathan.

"A letter for you!" Willow beamed and pulled a letter out of her pocket and held it out to him.

Bruce looked at it sceptically before slowly taking it from her grasp. Opening it up he looked over the words. "Why are you trying to do this?" He looked up at her.

"Because they're a plague. Their line of crime, is a plague. He is a source of this sickness, and so help me, you have to believe me when I say this; I never wanted Jonathan, or myself, to be involved with the mob." Willow said seriously.

"What'll happen when you lose a potential customer? You'll just return to terrorising the city."

"I won't. I have a job. I'm semi-reformed." Willow smiled.

"Semi isn't good enough."

"Can you just accept it for now, please? I'm trying, but I can't fully reform and won't. I can't, I don't think. Can I? No." Willow rambled thoughtfully.

Bruce let out a sigh. There were times when talking to Willow when he just felt a loss for words. These moments usually popped up when she was rambling. "I'll find you two."

"I know." Willow smiled and shrugged. "I'm not hard to find." She giggled, Bruce shook his head. Any other time he would have laughed at the joke. Of course out of the two, Jonathan was the easier person to find. He nodded to the side, Willow smiled and shuffled off in the direction of the fire escape ladder. "Bye, Batman!" She waved before she slid down the ladder.

She was an odd one. As far as delusional criminals went, she was odd. Looking back down at the note in his hand he looked towards the door. Jim Gordon stood confused. He'd obviously seen the light on and rushed here to see what was up. Walking over, he handed him the letter which Willow had given to him, then disappeared from the scene.

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