Chapter 6: Horny

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Song: Supermodel by Maneskin

When we arrived at the Hilton, we went straight to his hotel room. Neymar closed the door behind me. I gave him my cheekiest smile. It worked immediately because he grabbed me by the waist and kissed me roughly on the lips. He was eager. His tongue intertwined with mine and we explored every inch and corner of each other's mouths. The kiss was one of passion and lust. Neymar slowly slid his hand under my dress until his fingers reached my thong.

"I'm in control, baby," I whispered in his ear as he stopped kissing me to catch his breath. I pulled his hand out from under my dress and led him to the queen-size bed. I pushed him down on the mattress and made sure he stayed down. He lay there looking horny as hell and his boner was clearly visible through the fabric of his jeans. I grinned and straddled him, making sure I was sitting right on his bulge. I could feel him getting harder and harder under me.

"Oh, you like that, huh?" I smirked and licked my lips.

He pulled me on top of him to kiss me, but I held his hands above his head to show him I was still in control. I bit down on his upper lip and nibbled on it. Then I pulled off his T-shirt, revealing his taut chest. After that, I focused on his pants. I unzipped them and helped him out of his jeans. He looked delicious lying there, dressed only in his boxers and full of sexual desire. His hands moved to the back of my dress to unzip it.

"Not yet, baby," I interrupted him in a playful, teasing tone. I ran my hand over his straining boxers and reached through the fabric for his cock. He groaned and closed his eyes. His hips thrust forward and pressed against my hand.

"Wait baby," I whispered and got up from the bed. I slid my hands under my dress and pulled off my thong. I let it dangle from my index finger and gave him a dirty grin. I threw the thong in his face.

"Nobody messes with me without getting burned. And you were just too easy, baby." I let out a wicked laugh and braced a hand on my hip.

Although Neymar was still tipsy and drunk with lust, his jaw dropped. He had not expected this. The surprise on his face was priceless.

I winked cheekily at him, turned around, threw my hair back fashionably, and left his hotel room without giving him another glance.

4-2, bitch!


By the time I reached my hotel room, I was sober again. My little revenge plan had worked beautifully. Neymar would never forget me or that night.

I smirked as I got ready for bed and replayed the night in my mind. I am sure the media was probably going crazy about us leaving the club together. But Neymar was surely going insane after the trick I played on him. He should not have been so nosy and rude to me. Nobody messed with me like that. You play with fire, you get burned. And he had behaved just like any other guy: simple and horny. With a smile on my lips, I slipped into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning I woke up after a restful night. After doing my morning stretches, I reached for my phone to check my messages. Cristiano had sent me a few text messages. He would be arriving today and I had to pick him up at the airport.

I got dressed and wore my black denim shorts with a loose see-through blouse. I put my hair in a messy bun and kept my makeup natural.

During breakfast at the hotel, I checked the latest news on my phone. I had been right, all the gossip sites were talking about Neymar and me. There were pictures of us holding hands outside the club and leaving together in a cab. They said we were a couple and that my relationship with Cristiano was over once again.

Now I guess I'll have to prove them wrong, I thought with a grin. I got into my Lamborghini Reventon and drove off to pick up my boy toy at the airport.

Cristiano looked handsome as always, toned and tanned. "What's all the fuss about you and Neymar?" That was the first question he asked.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I asked, still eyeing his muscular body.

"Of course I am! After all, you are mine," he said, pulling me into his arms to kiss me on the lips.

"I did not know you owned me."

"I'll show you," he grinned, sliding his hand to my butt. He squeezed it before focusing on my face again.

"Are you staying at my hotel or did you book somewhere else?" I asked, running my index finger along his neck and into the opening of his t-shirt. His skin felt warm and baby soft.

"I booked a suite for us. You can check out of your hotel," he said. He took my hand and kissed it tenderly while his other hand caressed my butt.

"All right. Where are we going to stay? So I can get my luggage transferred," I asked impatiently. I had better things to do than chat in an airport.

"The Hilton. Only the best for us," he grinned, winking at me.

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Angel played Neymar and she is winning with 4-2! What will Neymar do now?

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