Chapter 2: Fashion Week

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Song: Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by Lady Gaga

It was Fashion Week in Paris. My schedule was packed with runway shows, photo shoots, interviews, and, of course, wild parties. I traveled so much that I did not even have a permanent address in this world.

"Miss Cruz, your hair and makeup are done. You can get dressed now," my stylist said.

I sashayed to the clothing rack and slipped into the outfit they had picked out for me. It was a long, sheer dress adorned with midnight blue crystal embellishments. It looked stunning on me.

I strode down the catwalk as if it were a walk in the park, spinning in slow motion as I reached the end of the runway. I threw the audience a sexy smile and left the catwalk looking perfect.

After the fashion show, my stylist got me ready for some interviews. I went to the press room and prepared for the same annoying questions as always.

Cristiano was seen in Berlin with a woman. What can you tell us about that?

Is it over between you and Cristiano?

Angel, do you have a new boyfriend?

I was in an on-off relationship with Cristiano Ronaldo, the top Portuguese football player. We had great sex and he looked good on my arm. The only thing I did not like about him was the fact that he could be demanding.

Last week, for example, he had insisted that I accompany him to some stupid football award ceremony. I refused his request and we broke up over it. The make-up sex had been great as always, though.

The media was right that he was secretly seeing another woman. That did not worry me, because there was nothing serious between us. It was a sexual relationship from which we both benefited.

An hour later, I left the press room. I felt exhausted, but I still had one last photo shoot for a sports magazine ahead of me.

I wore a black sports bra and matching booty shorts.

"Miss Cruz, your partner for this photo shoot will be Rafinha Alcântara. He plays for the Brazilian national football team and also for FC Barcelona," my stylist explained to me when she was done with my hair and makeup.

I did not care who he was. I just wanted to finish and go back to my hotel. I longed for a hot shower.

The sight of a tanned man, clad only in briefs, sitting on a black couch greeted me as I entered the green screen studio. Delicious, my inner voice hummed.

Smiling, I walked over to him to introduce myself.

"Hi, Angel." He spoke first and stood up to shake my hand.

I was not surprised that he knew who I was. My pictures were in every magazine around the world, even those that had nothing to do with fashion. I had a crazy, wild lifestyle and the paparazzi loved to invade my private life. I did not care about that. I think that's what my fans loved about me. I did what I liked and I was not ashamed of what I did. I did not pretend to be someone I was not to the media.

"Hi, Raf...inha?" I was unsure how to pronounce his name as I shook his hand.

"You are Portuguese and you do not know how to pronounce my name?" he chuckled.

"My parents are from Portugal, but I was born in London. I do not speak Portuguese."

"Ah, that explains it. Have you ever been to Portugal?"

"Yes, a couple of times for fashion shows."

"We'd like to start the photo shoot," the photographer said, interrupting our conversation.

"Angel, please go on and sit on his lap."

I smiled at Rafinha and sat sideways on his lap. He smelled like minty shower gel.

"Rafinha, put your arms around Angel's waist and pull her toward you as if you were going to kiss her."

His muscular arms wrapped around my bare waist. His skin was warm and soft. We both leaned in and looked into each other's eyes. I could feel the arousal rising in his briefs as the camera clicked from different angles.

"I am sorry about that," he whispered sheepishly.

"It's all right, do not worry about it." I was used to models getting hard, so it was nothing new, but Rafinha being so shy turned me on. And his well-toned body was the icing on the cake. I wanted a lick of that.

♦ ♦ ♦

This chapter reveals Angel's relationship with Cristiano and her new interest in Rafinha.

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Lora ♥

Edited 14/02/2023

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