My blood goes cold. They.. they think I'm dead. Dead?? "How could they think they're burring me when I'm right here!" He smiles at me once again, "Ah, you see. My other, less dependable, disciple is responsible for that. Raiden. You've me him. He was the one who grabbed you from the roof. Tall and thin, dark green hair? Comes across as a persistent pest?" He sees the recognition on my face and continues, "Well, he is a transformation mage. We just refer to him as a shifter but it's all one and the same. He's quite convincing when he shifts his body into the form of someone else. He even has managed to nail down personal scent and vocals." He states matter of factly. Am I supposed to be impressed by this?! Far from it! "Your guild mates believe that you are dead and that they are laying you to rest because Raiden has shifted into your body fooling them into believing that when you fell from the roof, that you did not survive the fall. I have to give credit, where credit is due. He may be a hopeless degenerate but when it comes to performance, he knows what he's doing. He also knows how to slow his own heart rate down to the point that it appears he has no pulse. Which, on top of shifting into you, is how he fooled them." He finishes and waits for me to respond but, I can believe what I'm hearing. Everyone thinks I'm really dead? And they're laying to rest what they think is me and my body?? Hot tears begin to prick at my eyes at the thought of imagining everyone so sad and hurt. "Do you see now deary? They won't be looking for you. They are unaware of the truth of the matter." "Why me? Why? Why are you doing this? And at such lengths! What do you have to gain in doing this to me and my guild!?"

"Truth be told deary, I didn't have the intention of singling you out personally to begin with. Let me explain.  Your guild has been quite the nuisance for mine. I'm working towards something and they're responsible for disrupting that and taking out my men in the process. Just to add on to my already existing long standing issue I've had with your guild." He pauses to look at me for a response but I have no words. I'm still trying to process everything I'm hearing. He takes a breath, "I originally, was going to have one of you kidnapped so that I could use them as a hostage and use their life as leverage to disband immediately. With your guild having taken out all of the dark guilds around them, even the likes of the Alvarez empire, with my plans in mind, I just simply couldn't allow your guild to continue to remain active. "Even knowing all that you STILL decide to kidnap one of our own? ME? You are insane!" He ignores my comment and continues, "But once I realized who you were. I swiftly changed course. You are Lucy Heartfilia. The daughter of Jude and Layla Heartfilia. The hard working and successful business man and the exceptionally skilled celstial wizard. It is my understanding you inherited your mothers great skill, and that you have even surpassed her. I also worked beneath your father. We'll just say he wasn't the nicest of men to work for." He smirks at me, "Call it lucky that you were the one that managed to be taken and brought to me. For me anyway." 

He stands up from his chair and straightens out his blazer, "I've decided that I will instead use you to destroy Fairy Tail and it's members as well as it's master." I widen my eyes and look at him, "Are you serious?! I would never EVER do that! I don't care what you say or do to me! I will NEVER harm Fairy Tail!" He gently smiles, "Deary, you have no say whatsoever. I am someone who specializes in memory magic. I can erase memories as well as replace them with new ones. Which is what I intend to do with you. Remove all your good and fond memories with Fairy Tail, and place in new ones that will make you believe you in fact hate them all. That you'd never been apart of them. That you want nothing more than to take them down no more or less than I. Making you plenty willing to do, EXACTLY that. But, even my magic has limits." I perk up at this hoping it's something I can use to stop his plans with me. "If the person I intend to memory wipe has a strong will or resolve, or have a magic charm, It makes it quite difficult if not impossible to perform my magic on them. If you are anything like your parents, you have both strong will and resolve. And that will need broken down before hand. With the knowledge that your guild believes you to be dead and will in fact have no reason to go looking for you, I don't imagine that will be too long before I can begin." I slump my shoulders in defeat and have allowed silent tears to fall. "You will remain here till I deem you okay to 'freely' walk about the base. I say freely very loosely as you will have someone shadowing you no matter where you go, aside from this room, at all times." He turns his back to me and begins to open the door then stops, "I advise, that you do not attempt to escape. I have armed guards at every point of entry and exit within this base. If you try, you will be met with swift and appropriate consequences. I will begin attempting memory wiping in a few days time. Have a good rest of your day." He finishes as he walks through and closes the door. Locking it behind him. Leaving me to cry alone into my hands.

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