Part 2-Chapter 2: The beach

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You hear the ocean waves washing up against the rocks and you can barely move.

It's peaceful...


How did I get here?

With all of your remaining strength you roll over so you can see the sky and your surroundings, you see the beach of course because of the wave sounds. But everything is grey.

Did something happen?

What kind of beach is this?

You see a child looking down at you. Between the age of 12-14 you assume.

You manage to mutter out a sentence.

Y/N: Who are you, and where am I?

???:'re on the beach.

Y/N: But-

???: This is where you go to when you die. Everyone can access the beach. This is your private beach. Only you can access it.

Y/N: But, if this is my beach. Then why are you here?

???: .....

The child kneels down to you and touches your chest, making you regain your original color.

Y/N: What?

You suddenly get dragged down by hands made of diamond into the sand.


The kid covers your mouth and you feel drowsy while most of your body is being dragged into the sand.

Your breathing slows down and the last thing you see in the kid covering his face with a gold mask and sunglasses and making a shh-ing motion with his finger.

You finally black out.

239 words.


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