I reach for my shot when I see him walk into the bar with a few of his friends.

I watch him from the corner of my eye.

"He saw him today."

"Saw who?"

Harlow sits down getting closer to me. "Their grandfather."

I keep watching him as they order a round of beers all shaking hands and cheering.


"I heard and you shouldn't repeat that again." I look at her. "We aren't safe talking about that here."

Harlow nods grabbing my beer taking a drink. "How was work or whatever you do during the day."

I smile back over at her, "I work."

"Working a bed is not work Brooklyn."

I bust out laughing at her. "It passes the time!"

Harlow shoves me a little laughing back at me, "You are horrible!"

We both laugh when my eyes drift over to him.

He stares back at me amazed.

I drop my eyes still smiling as I feel the blushing.

"Why the hell are you blushing?" Harlow asks me confused.

"No reason." I rub my cheeks trying to get the color to fade.

Harlow giggles at me. "You need to play more poker, you are losing."

I roll my eyes as I grab my beer that is now empty. "Oh thanks Harlow."

"I will get another." She smiles heading to the bar.

I look over seeing that he was gone. My brows drop as I start to search for him.

"Following me now?"

I flinch a little as he stands behind me.

Chris steps to the side with his hand placed on my back.

"Just came by for a little drink."

"You have finished off a few already." He points to the five empty shot glasses.

"Maybe you need to catch up."

"Or you need to slow down." He half whispers into my ear.

"The bartender is an idiot." Harlow mumbles sitting down. "I wanted a beer and she gave me a mixed drink."

Chris keeps his eyes on me rubbing my back.

I smile up at him as I relax a little into his hand when his phone goes off.

"O'Connor." He answers it keeping his eyes on me.

"Wait, where?" He turns back to his friends waving to the one guy as he runs off from me heading out the door.

Harlow looks back at me seeing the pain on my face. "Please Brooklyn, don't go there."

"Let's go home." I push my beer back.

Harlow bites her lip when a round of shots hit the table.

"Hello ladies."


I roll my eyes getting up, "I will be at home."

Harlow looks back at him, "Where have you been?"

Crime Scene. EastSide

Chris puts the sheet back down on the victim as he steps back.

"You know Detective this is getting sad, why don't we just bring them in?" The young blooded officer looks back at him.

Chris wipes his brow, "We can't just bring in a family because we think they have a hand in this."

The officer looks back at him, "Detective, half of their family is dead and they have already buried 8 of them in the past week."

Chris looks back at him.

"I went to college with the last guy, it's just hard watching people you know get gunned down on your street."

Chris nods back at him, "Get some air man."

The young officer walks off.

Chris rubs his hands together as the rain starts to pick up. "I can't figure this out. Why now..."

He looks down as his phone goes off, "Oh fuck."

Girls Apartment

I pace around my bedroom biting on my lip.

"I should just go over there. Just walk over there."

I pace again.

"Fuck, just do it."

I groan hearing the barking of Captain.

I grab my phone as I head for the front door.

"Just do it." I open the door to the apartment as I walk out heading down to his apartment door.

I knock on the door as I hear Captain run down to the door barking.

I wait as the fear sits in. "Shit."  I go to turn around to leave when the door swings open.

Captain runs out barking and licking at my hurt wrist.

I look up thinking it is Chris.

It wasn't.

It was a half naked.

A dripping wet.

Not so much chris.

"Oh no."

Xavier grins at me as he leans against the door. "Hey, need something?"

I look at his chest seeing the deep ridges as the water still runs down it.

I start to stumble over my words, "I..hmmm...i...i should go."

Xavier smirks more, "Sorry something making you a little bothered?"

I glare back at him, "You are ... incredible."

Xavier shrugs his shoulders as the towel dips a little. "Baby, you have no idea."

I just look at him as I turn around covering my face storming back into my room.

"Fuck." I groan walking into my room as I collapse down into my bed.

I wipe my face watching the ceiling fan go around.

"Fucking failure."

"Which one?"

I look up seeing harlow. "What are you doing home?"

Harlow walks over to my bed sitting down, "Jared is a worthless piece of shit."

"I told you that two years ago."

Harlow looks over at me as I see the bruise on her face.

"He didn't."

"Just shut up for the rest of the night."

I wrap my arms around her pulling her into me.

GraveYard // Chris EvansWhere stories live. Discover now