9. A newborn kingdom

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Kaito and Miku were on their way to the kingdom of Lucifina

"I really hope they show up" said Rin

"I'm sure they will your majesty" said Len

A carriage then pulled up in front of the castle with Kaito and Miku

"You guys made it" said Rin

"What's this all about" Kaito asked

"Did you bring us here so you can threaten us" said Miku

"No, not at all. There's just something I wanted to show you guys" said Rin

"Very well then, but this better not be a trick" said Kaito

"But first I need you to close your eyes" said Rin

The two of them closed their eyes and walked into the castle. Inside the main room was what looked like a whole party set up with a sign labeled CONGRATULATIONS

"What is all this" they both asked

"Something I decided to set up as an apology. Miku, I'm sorry for what I did to your kingdom. I was just jealous over the fact that I was in love with Kaito and I never got the chance to marry him. The truth is....I'm happy for you guys" said Rin

"I can't believe you did all this" said Kaito

"So do you both forgive me" Rin asked

They both looked at each other and then smiled

"Of course we do" said Miku

"Thank you" said Rin

"No, thank you, I'm glad to see that you finally changed your ways" said Kaito

"I did because I almost lost someone that I truly care for" said Rin

"You're making me blush your majesty" said Len

"And there's also someone I decided to knight as well" said Rin

"Greetings your majesties" said Meiko

"Greetings" Miku and Kaito said

"You two will be welcome back anytime you wish" said Rin

"We'll keep that in mind" said Kaito

"Expect us here often though" said Miku

"So what do you say, let's celebrate" said Rin

"Yeah" they all shouted

The kingdom was finally at peace. Rin never stole anything or killed anyone as the time went on. Kaito and Miku also visited the kingdom often. Not to mention Len and Meiko started becoming close. Who knows, maybe in time, they will get married too. The people of the kingdom threw a celebration for Miku and Kaito's marriage. As for Rin, she was happy she gave up her selfish ways because now she knows people care for her. She will continue to rule over the kingdom of Lucifinia and ensure that everything stays peaceful

The End

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