4. Destroy the kingdom green

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The guards were at the kingdom green destroying everything. Houses were set on fire as people flee screaming in terror

"It's a shame we have to destroy this place" a guard said

"Well we must follow her majesty's orders, no come, we must find princess Miku" another guard said

Miku stared outside her castle to see her kingdom being reduced to ashes

"What is happening to my kingdom" Miku asked

The guards then burst through the castle doors

"Princess Miku, by order of princess Rin, we place you under arrest" a guard said

"But for what, and what have you done to my kingdom" said Miku

2 guards come up behind her, grabbing her by the arms and drag her away. Back in the kingdom Lucifenia, it was teatime for Rin

"Your majesty, we have word that the kingdom green has be destroyed and our guards are bringing princess Miku here" said Len

"Excellent....and would you look at that, it's teatime" said Rin

The guards walk into the throne room with Miku

"Ah, just the girl I wanted to see" said Rin

"So you're the one behind this" said Miku

"Of course I am" said Rin

"Why have you done this" Miku shouted

"You took something that belonged to me....or should I say someone" said Rin

"What do you mean" Miku asked

"Kaito, I was in love with him, I was going to marry him but you took him away from me" said Rin

"It's up to him to decide who he wants to marry" said Miku

"Now I'm going to give you 2 options, either you let me marry him or you spend eternity locked away" said Rin

"I'll never let you marry him" Miku shouted

"So be it then, away with her" said Rin

"Just wait until my guards hear about this, they'll come for me" said Miku

"Hate to break it to you but they're probably dead along with the rest of your people" said Rin with a smirk going across her face

The guards took Miku away and locked her up in the dungeon

"Your majesty, we seemed to have found lots of money being held in the castle before it burned down" a guard said

"Perfect, now I should have enough money to buy all the world's treasures" said Rin

"Pardon me but what will happen when Prince Kaito finds out about this" Len asked

"Simple, he'll come running here and we'll finally get married....and if he refuses, he'll suffer the same fate as that so called princess Miku" said Rin

Unknown to them, a strange woman in red armor was listening to them and she quickly ran off to the city

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