2. The kingdom of Lucifenia

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Once upon a time, there lived a kingdom known as Lucifenia. It was ruled over by a greedy and selfish princess named Rin and her beloved twin servant Len. As kids, they became separated from each other with no memory of how it happened but are finally reunited with each other. The princess was very selfish indeed, she wanted all the worlds treasures to herself which she would obtain by stealing money from the townspeople and all those against her would be sentenced to death. Despite her selfish ways, Len made a promise to be loyal to her and that he would always protect her. Things would eventually change for him and the princess though

As of right now, Rin was busy taking care of her favorite horse Josephine

"You're all cleaned up Josephine, I'm surprised you didn't get me wet this time" said Rin

Josephine neighed in delight as Rin fed her some hay

"I could never stay mad at you though" said Rin

She gently rubbed her nose and went back inside the castle

"Pardon me your majesty" a guard said

"What is it" Rin asked

"I'm afraid we won't be able to afford that diamond ring you asked for, we have no money" the guard said

"Don't worry, I already took care of that" said Rin

Two of her guards walked into the throne room with a townsperson

"Let me go, what did I ever do" the man said

"Relax, we won't hurt you. I just have one simple favor to ask you" said Rin

"And what would that be" the man said

"Simple, just hand over all your money" said Rin

"What, but how will I ever be able to take care of my family" the man asked

"I will not take no for answer" said Rin

"Forgot it, I won't give you a dime" the man shouted

"So be it" said Rin

The guards strip him of all his money

"You selfish monster, have you no respect for the people" the man said

"I tried to be nice to you but not anymore, away with him" Rin said

"NO, YOU CANT DO THIS" the man shouted as he was dragged away

Rin watched with a slight smirk on her face as the guards dragged him away

"Your majesty" said Len

"Yes Len" said Rin

"I wanted to inform you that a neighboring kingdom will be coming to visit" said Len

"You mean the one ruled by prince Kaito, wonderful" said Rin

"I figured you'd be excited to hear that" said Len

"He's so dreamy and handsome, wouldn't you agree" Rin asked

"I guess you can say that" said Len

"Call up there guards, we're going to have a grand feast to welcome his arrival" said Rin

"Right away your majesty" said Len

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