7. Execution

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Rin and Len sat in a cold dark cell down in the dungeon

"What did I ever do to deserve this" said Rin

"If I may your majesty, you did steal from the town and you killed so many people" said Len

Rin wanted to protest but she knew he was right

"And there's nothing I can do to fix it......well, if we're going to die, at least we'll die together" said Rin

"....actually it will only be me who's dying" said Len

"What do you mean" Rin asked

"I'm taking your place" said Len

"What" Rin shouted

"If we switch clothes, nobody will notice" said Len

"I can't let you do this, you're the most loyal and kindest person I ever had" said Rin

"I made a promise to protect you no matter what and I plan on keeping it" said Len

"But I....." Rin said with a sigh

"The execution will start soon, we must hurry" said Len

They both switched clothes so Len could disguise himself to look like Rin

"Once the guards come for me, you can escape" said Len

The two of them shared a hug with each other

"I'll never forget you" said Rin

"Neither will I" said Len

Two guards then walked into the dungeon

"It's time" a guard said

While Len was being dragged outside, Rin took the chance to escape. The guards took Len outside to where Meiko was standing next to a guillotine

"Princess Rin of the kingdom of Lucifinia, your deeds against the kingdom are worthy of death, have you any last words" Meiko asked

"Would you look at that, it's teatime" Len said

"If that's all you have to say, execute her" said Meiko

The clock struck 3:00 as the townspeople watched Len get his head cut off by a guillotine

"People of the kingdom, you are all free from the reign of the princess. All of the treasures stolen from the world will be given to you so you all have money. And just to ensure your safety, I shall watch over the kingdom" said Meiko

All the townspeople cheered, for at last they are finally free to live peacefully. Unknown to them, Rin had watched everything. She covers herself in a cloak so she could not be noticed. She made her way to the beach while the people began to throw a grand celebration for their freedom

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