Chapter Two

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Peter POV

Lost, scared, confused. That's just a short list of emotions going through my head right now. Why? That's the real question. Why would Seth just abandon me like that? There has to be a reason, I refuse to believe there isn't.

Sitting alone on a park bench in Central Park really gives you time to think. Was it me? Did I do something wrong? Did he mean to abandon me? Or did he get himself into trouble where he had to leave quickly? With him I wouldn't be surprised, he isn't very good at staying out of trouble.

As the sun starts setting I realize how much trouble I actually am in. I've heard how dangerous the city is at night, sitting here like this I'm just waiting to get murdered.

Getting to my feet I start wandering to where I hope are some stores or even hotels. With a stroke of luck I find myself in the center of the city.

After hours of explaining my situation to different stores, hotels, and people. With nothing but 'I'm sorry we can't help you's. I'm left walking down the sidewalk, head held low. By now it's about 11:30pm and the majority of people out and about are drunk.

"Hey kid! Got any money?" I hear a gruff voice ask as a hand lands on my shoulder. I feel my heart sink as I turn to look at the giant asking me for money. He has to be at least 6'5 and 280 pounds! He is also clearly drunk, which doesn't help my situation in the slightest!

"N-no s-sorry I-I don't have a-any mone-ey on me-e" I tried to tell him though his face says he doesn't believe me.

"What? The small kid doesn't want to give this poor old man some money?" He counters, eyes turning angry. I gotta get out if here before I actually die!

"T-that's n-not it s-sir! I r-really don't h-have any money!" I tried explaining again. This time not only his eyes looked angry, his whole body radiated anger! I really have to leave.

"Listen kid, I was trying to do this the easy way, but you clearly want to do this the hard way. Give me your god damn money and you won't get hurt." My eyes grew wide.

Without a second thought I turned and bolted away. What I didn't expect was for his drunk self to give chase, but give chase he did! I wad borderline panic attack, the only thing keeping it at bay was the knowledge of if I let it happen I'll die.

The problem with being 5'7 and having a man that is 6'5 chasing you is the difference in leg height. He gets longer strides making it easier to catch up to me, and with how close he is if I don't do something he will catch me.

In a desperate attempt to lose him I turn a corner into an ally. Probably not the smartest choice on my part, but my only option for escape right now.

Running down the ally I notice a door open and without thinking I sprint through it. Colliding into a wall of chest.

"Close the door quick!" I scream as the door slams closed.

Finally free from the giant chasing me I allow the panic to come through. Collapsing to my knees I let it out. Shaking, crying, not being able to breathe.

"Hey man, you okay? Hey!" That's the last thing I heard before my world turned dark.

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